Monday, June 30, 2008

Attract Prosperity with Visualization

. Monday, June 30, 2008

by: Iain Legg

Visualization can be used for a wide range of purposes, but one of the most beneficial is making yourself feel prosperous and attract more money into your life. You may wonder how seeing simple images in your mind can help attract anything – but when you think about it, a consistent focus on lack causes you to expect the worst and think and act in ways that emphasize lack – which simply creates more lack in your life!

On the other hand, when you change your perception of lack into a stronger focus on abundance, you find yourself thinking and acting in ways that can be more prosperous. Not only will you better appreciate the abundance you have in your life now, you’ll also be in a better mind-set to recognize great opportunities and act on them when they appear.

For best results, use visualization on a daily basis because changing your mental outlook requires consistent reinforcement. You can perform your visualization exercises first thing in the morning, right before bed in the evening, or any time during the day when you have a few minutes to spare.

What types of things should you visualize? For one, see yourself having plenty of money. Imagine that you’re able to pay your bills with ease and have plenty left over for fun, helping others and saving for a brighter future. Make these visualizations as detailed as possible, even down to the clothing you’re wearing, the home you live in, the vehicle you drive, and the way you carry yourself in your daily activities.

The details are important because they’ll trigger your emotions and make you feel like you’re really experiencing these visions – which your subconscious mind will then accept! How would you feel if you had all the money you needed? What type of mind-set would you have if money was no longer a concern for you? Infuse these thoughts and feelings into your visualization exercises, making them as strong and real as you can.

Then, the next important step is to be sure you’re not undoing all the great energy you put out during your visualization exercises by thinking and acting in ways that contradict what you’re trying to attract into your life.

Avoid spending time worrying about not having enough money, stressing about bills or feeling anxious about your income. The moment you start doing these things, you immediately shift your focus back to a lack mind-set, which keeps the cycle of lack going strong.

Whatever you do, be sure you don’t limit the ways that money can come to you! For example, don’t focus all of your efforts on winning the lottery because you’ll be blocking all other possibilities. Remember that money can come to you in limitless ways – most of which you’d never expect! Simply focus on being open to any and all possibilities and allow your positive focus to attract bigger and better things than you can even imagine right now.


Strengthen Your Intuition with Visualization


by: Iain Legg

Your intuition can be a powerful guide in any situation, helping you to avoid dangerous and detrimental experiences – or even leading you to the best opportunities to improve your life.

However, as with any skill, the strength and intensity of your intuition will fade with disuse. If you are not accustomed to consulting your intuition, you’ll need to work on strengthening it before you can use it as a reliable guide.

Intuition can be defined in different ways, but for the purposes of this article we’ll refer to it as the ability to perceive subtle clues from your environment that help you determine the best course of action in any situation.

Visualization is the process of seeing specific images in your mind – or in other words, imagination. That may not seem to have anything to do with your intuition, but a regular visualization practice can help you strengthen your mental focus, which will help you to more easily tune into your intuitive insights.

When you first get started, you’ll want to set aside a minimum of 15 minutes a day to visualize. It’s best if you can stick with the same time each day because you’ll train your mind to quiet down at that time.

When you’re ready to begin your first session, take a few minutes to first get very relaxed and calm. You might do some deep breathing to let go of tension and scattered thoughts, then turn your attention inward and focus on how your body feels. Pay particular attention to your solar plexus area, your chest, shoulders, and the center of your forehead. Do you feel any sensations of tightness or tension in these places?

At first you probably won’t feel anything at all; it will just feel neutral. Make a mental note about that feeling of neutrality because it’s the “default” state that you’ll experience when your intuition is not sending signals.

Then, call up a mental image of yourself feeling confident, centered, and completely in tune with your inner guidance. There are various ways you can picture this; you can see yourself in a turbulent situation feeling very connected and stable within; you can imagine that you’re a sponge, soaking up clues and insights from your surrounding environment; or you can even see yourself connected by a rope of light to the universe and imagine that intuitive insights travel down this rope and into your consciousness. Any way you choose to imagine it, be sure your mental vision includes an image of yourself feeling balanced, connected and tuned in.

Once you’ve got that image firmly embedded in your mind, be sure to carry it with you when you return to your normal routine. When you need to make a decision about something or find yourself in an uncertain situation, simply close your eyes and recall that mental image again. Focus on it until you once again feel in tune with your inner guidance, and pay attention to the areas mentioned earlier: solar plexus, chest, shoulders and the center of your forehead. How do these areas feel? When you’re receiving an intuitive insight, you’ll usually experience sensations such as tension, tightness, queasiness, tingling, or even temperature changes. Along with these physical sensations you’ll usually experience a hunch that lets you know whether a certain decision or situation would be beneficial or detrimental and you can act on that insight.

It will likely take time and practice to get used to listening to your intuition and learning to trust it, but it can be such a powerful tool that you’ll never want to be without it once you learn how to work effectively with it.


Achieve Your Goals By Expecting Miracles Instead Of Debacles


by: John Watson

How many times have you had a bad day when everything seemed to go wrong at the worst possible moment? You failed to achieve most of your goals and felt that the universe was against you.

Perhaps, the universe was to blame or perhaps you were to blame because you expected things to go wrong. We might be able to avoid such debacles by expecting miracles instead. In case anyone is wondering, one dictionary defines a 'debacle' as a 'total and often ludicrous failure.' 'Miracle' in this article simply means 'something wonderful'.

On Wednesday 23rd January 2008, my first goal of the day was to change the fluorescent tube light which is high on the ceiling over my desk. I expected the following might go wrong:

The small step ladder might break under my weight as I used it to climb on to my desk just as the attic ladder had collapsed under me a few months ago. I might even get my foot trapped within the ladder like a neighbour whose foot was nearly amputated by her own metal ladder. She retained her foot by holding it in place until help arrived but has had endless problems and pain for years as a result of this one unfortunate accident.

If the ladder did not collapse, I thought the desk might collapse if I had to put all my weight on it. My computer would then hit the floor with major damage and so would my monitor not to mention the phone and everything else on my desk. I would also hurtle to the floor breaking several bones and ending up in agony and even a state of paralysis for life!

Even if the desk did not collapse, I might not be able to fit the light tube into the holes at each end of the light fitting and, even if I did, the light might not work and/or the electric fitting might catch fire! The fitting had seemed to glow red as the previous light tube expired!

I am exaggerating but only a little and I would not have tried to change the light tube if I had really believed that everything would go wrong. However, I still believed a watered down version of Murphy's law that some things that could go wrong might go wrong at the worst possible moment and I nearly gave up on my goal before I even started. I could have used a lamp instead of changing the fluorescent light. In the event, everything went right although at times I struggled. The ladder and the desk held up under my full weight - over twenty stone - and the fluorescent light is now shining brightly above me. Goal achieved.

When I moved on to open my emails, in triumphant mood, I came across one from Christopher Westra which had a new law inside which I much prefer to Murphy's: "Everything that CAN go right WILL go right. Expect Miracles!"

He called it Bijan's law after it's author and added the following comment: "I came across this today and really liked it. I hope you liked it too. It's my philosophy, but I like the way Bijan phrases it."

I, also, prefer Bijan's law to Murphy's law. It can motivate you to get a move on with your goals. However, Murphy's law can still be a useful law in achieving your goals. It repays closer study

Murphy's law is a well known saying that broadly states that things will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a chance. The law, thus, gives us fair warning not to leave things to chance. Instead we should prepare well and practice whatever we are planning to do especially if we are performing in public. We should avoid both hurry and worry.

The British stage magician Nevil Maskelyne discovered this for himself. He wrote in 1908: "It is an experience common to all men to find that, on any special occasion, such as the production of a magical effect for the first time in public, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Whether we must attribute this to the malignity of matter or to the total depravity of inanimate things, whether the exciting cause is hurry, worry, or what not, the fact remains."

The law that produces this kind of experience has been around for a long time but after 1952, the name 'Murphy' was attached to it possibly when some measuring devices invented by Edward Murphy went wrong.

The perversity, or apparently deliberate tendency to mess things up, of the universe has long been commented on, and forerunners to the modern version of Murphy's law are not hard to find. For example, an Ohio newspaper printed this poem in 1841: "I never had a slice of bread, Particularly large and wide, That did not fall upon the floor, And always on the buttered side."

Designers of all kinds of products have long recognized the tendency of people as well as the universe to mess things up. Murphy's law has encouraged them to use defensive design i.e. to make things so simple and easy to use that even the greatest idiot can use them successfully.

For example, the 3.5-inch floppy disk once used in many computers will not easily fit into the drive unless it is put in the right way up. In contrast, the older 5.25-inch floppy disk could be inserted in a variety of ways that might damage the disk or drive.

The newer CD-ROM and DVD formats permit one incorrect orientation - the disc may be inserted upside-down, which is harmless to the disc. A defensive designer knows that if it is possible for the disc to be inserted the wrong way, someone will eventually try it.

An awareness of Murphy's law can then help all human beings especially the stupid ones to achieve their goals! I have, since my teenage years, classed myself amongst the technically stupid ones. I now realize that no one should think of themselves as stupid in connection with any skill or area of knowledge because if you consistently think of yourself as stupid you tend to become so and make only half-hearted efforts to improve.

Another example of defensive design can be seen in car design. Car designers have allowed for the tendency of some drivers to drive badly. They have created safety features like seat belts which will limit the damage caused by accidents.

So then, let's expect miracles by visualising the wonderful things that could happen rather than worrying about possible disasters that might well not happen. But let's also be aware of the problems that might bite us, if we do not take all necessary precautions.

Make sure that there are no shark fins around if you go for a swim in the sea and don't forget to check that the swimming pool is full of water before you dive into it. I have heard about at least one person who dived into an empty pool without checking simply because it had been full of water the day before! I am not sure if that story is true or not but would not be surprised if it was.

If you are doing business with somebody, make sure they are not a 'shark' who will just take your money. On the other hand, you need to trust and expect the best from some people or it will take a long time to achieve anything. If you love alcohol, avoid too much to drink or the world will literally become your playground as you fall and slip all over the place like a confused child. If you are a workaholic, get some rest or the same thing will happen!

Hopefully, your life will be full of goal achievement and miracles rather than debacles. Think daily of Bijan's law but, occasionally, remember Murphy's law and take steps to keep any debacles to a minimum.

Expect things to go right as you strive to achieve your goals and you are far more likely to achieve them. It is also worth remembering this great quote: "Life is not numbered by the amount of breaths we take but by the moments which take our breath away." Such moments constitute the miracles - the wonderful things, events, experiences and people - we should be expecting and appreciating every day of our lives.


10 Bare Truths To Take Care Of Your Phobia, Fear Or Depression


by: Stewart Robertson

1) Your Emotional Issue Is Made Of Energy

When was the last time a brain surgeon opened up a patient and found his/her childhood memories, political opinions, or religious persuasion? Our memories, beliefs, values and, importantly, emotions are made of energy. So doesn’t it make sense to treat these with energy therapy?

For too long now talk therapy has been the medium of choice for psychological problems, instead of addressing the problem at the root cause. Your energy system. This is the modality of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Emotrance, Sekhem, TAT(Tapas Acupressure Technique), and so on.

2) In Some Cases, It Is More Difficult To Overcome Your Issues If You Have A Spouse And An Intact Family Where a “normal” family structure is in place, there is often a support structure in place to maintain emotional problems. That is, the family is flexible enough in its behavior to accommodate the problem in many different ways, which accidentally advantage the sufferer. In this way the patient has constant positive reinforcement for holding on to the trauma, and thus becomes unconsciously reluctant to give it up.

3) In The Wrong Hands, It Can Be Unsafe To Cure Your Emotional Issue

In some cases, if some time has passed since your problem began, you should not seek treatment at a certain point in your life. Here’s why.

To successfully hold on to and relive a problem over a number of years is an achievement in itself. It requires an entire support structure to be in place. Small (but significant) changes, which accommodate the problem, are usually made by family, colleagues, loved ones, etc, and go unnoticed over time.

In the long term, you may have accepted yourself as a “trauma victim” or “traumatised”; it may be “who you are,” and part of your identity. If reinforced over a period of time, with enough dependency on others, the issue can be the lynchpin holding several aspects of your life together, no matter how dysfunctional or unuseful they may be. And to remove it could create an entirely new – additional - issue.

4) Your Issue May Be Masking Other Things

Ask yourself the following questions:

•What would you be focussing on if you didn’t spend time worrying about the symptoms of your issue?
•How would you be spending your time if you weren’t accommodating this problem?
•What’s the upside of holding onto this problem?
•What else was happening in your life the first time this problem happened?

What do you get out of holding onto this trauma? More attention from friends and family? Sympathy? Pity? Familiarity? Certainty? Routine? Like it or not, you will have to let go of any accidental benefits which you may be getting by holding onto your problem. Especially if it began a long time ago.

5) Traumatic Memories Are Only Memories To Your Conscious Mind. To Your Unconscious Mind, They Are Current Events.
We all have our own beliefs and identity, stored deep at an unconscious level. These are the ideas, accepted as truths, written on the walls of our mind. Often these are the teachings of parents, siblings, teachers, and other authority figures we take for granted. These writings on our walls tell us who we are when we get up in the morning. They tell us how to behave, attitudes to have, ways to react. They give us mental shortcuts to everyday decision making. Without them, we would very quickly become overloaded with the millions of bits of information we face with each day. Quite unconsciously, we are constantly looking at these writings on our walls, every moment of the day. We must constantly refer to them, to avoid continual and permanent trauma.

Interestingly, traumatic memories are stored as pictures on those same walls. Your unconscious mind has constant access to these pictures. Naturally, it wants to protect you, and warns you about anything in the outside world that could vaguely resemble those pictures. Importantly, once it recognises such a thing, your mind will trigger the same stress response and physiological reactions in your body AS IF THE ORIGINAL EVENT WAS HAPPENING AGAIN, NOW. As if it was a current event.

6) You May Be Missing Something…

We all live our lives dissociated to some degree. We have to. If we lived our lives constantly experiencing our deepest emotions we’d be unable to drive, have conversations, do business, and so on. To some degree, dissociation is useful.

However, this also means that certain aspects of your trauma, too painful to consider consciously, are hidden from view. And as long as they are, they will continue to trigger stress responses, outside of your awareness.

7) Sometimes We Confuse Who We Are, With What We’ve Been Through

Many times we confuse our identity - who we are - with an event that happened to us. The traumatic experience you had, happened to you, but it is not you. It does not define or describe you; it is not all of you; and it is not the last word on you. It is not the whole of your life’s experience, nor is it the last thing you will ever experience. Repeat after me: I am not the events which happen to me.

In the case of severe or ongoing issues, we can also confuse ourselves with the accidental benefits we derive from the trauma, e.g. pity, attention, comfort, reassurance, help to do tasks, etc. Over time a part of us can enjoy these things too much, and it becomes another reason not to let go of the issue itself.

8) “My How You’ve Changed Since I’ve Changed”

Every human being is a system. Change one part of that system and rest of the system will adapt accordingly. The same applies to families, colleagues, populations.

After any treatment, be aware of the small things that change around you. Loved ones; glances; gestures. But to notice them you must be looking for them.

9) Trauma Will Change You

Sometimes going through hell changes us as a person. But sometimes, it is required. Sometimes it is just life moving you, changing you into the person you need to be, by the only vehicle available at the time(or the only way life knows how).

Because the changes from a traumatic experience can be big, can’t they? They can move your whole world, in a very short time.

But when you go to the gym, you don’t make progress by lifting the easy weights within your comfort zone. And isn’t it true to say that when we come through trauma, we come out the other side knowing more about ourself as a person, more about who we are, and what we truly want in life? Going through trauma, although painful, ultimately helps us feel our wants, and come from that place.

10) Take Responsibility For Your Issues

Taking responsibility for your issue means first accepting it is a problem. It means being kind enough to yourself in the long run – the ‘future you’ – to take action and remedy the problem, now. It means accepting yourself, WITH the emotions the issue gives you, without judgment. It means knowing that the problem is just the current version of you, and giving yourself permission to heal it now.

You must be willing to take responsibility for your issue, take action, and forgive – both yourself and others.


Learn To Speak German - Every Reason Is The Right Reason


by: Suzanne and Paul Brown

Why learn German? There is no wrong answer to that question because every reason is the right reason. We all have the ability to learn and communicate in other languages, so why not German? Most of us are unaware that the German and English languages are related, so in some ways we have an advantage to learn to speak German quickly. But let us not forget that there are a number of German sounds that differ from English sounds, and the grammar and word order is different.

Most people also do not realize that learning a foreign language improves our memory, math skills, analytical skills, and problems solving skills. And not to mention, it also increases our critical thinking and creativity. Furthermore, learning a foreign language, such as German, actually improves our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English. Whatever the reason(s), learning German, or any language, can only improve your quality of life.

One of the best ways to learn how to speak German, is to find an online course that suits your criteria. The following is a brief run-down of one of these online courses that is worthy enough to take the time to write about:

So, why learn to speak German online with this innovative course? It is convenient. If you are one of the privileged few, who have limitless time on their hands, then go ahead and sign up for an expensive private tutor or join a language school and read no further. But, if you are like the rest of us, who have to juggle family, work, etc. and are pressed for time, then this online course is a wonderful luxury to have if you want to learn fluent German. You can learn German easily at home on your own time and on your own terms.

It is user-friendly. The material consists of 31 audio lessons, written resources, and interactive games. You can do the lessons on screen, or if you choose, you can print them out and learn at your leisure. Each audio lesson is about 25 minutes long.

It is portable. You can access this engaging and easy to understand multimedia package using your computer, CD player or mp3 and learn anywhere.

It is interactive. The course package includes 3 interactive games. The first game is called MegaVocab, and is designed to boost your vocabulary skills. A great feature to this game is that it allows you to learn German vocabulary by adding your own pictures and words and continue to build upon your old vocabulary. This allows you to use this game for as long as you’re learning to speak German. Again, how convenient! The second game is called MegaAudio. This game contains over 1000 words over 20 different topics. This game helps improve your recognition and pronunciation of German words, which is an important part of learning to speak German. The third game is called MegaVerbs designed to familiarize you with how the verbs in German are used, and how they change through the different tenses.

Lastly, the program also offers a vocabulary flash card game that has thousands of words programmed into it which teaches verbs in a game format making this portion of language learning less exhausting. There is also an online forum available so that you have instant access to native German speakers, teachers and fellow students. And compared to the other high quality online courses, it is affordable.

What better way to learn German quickly and to quote a Czech Proverb, "learn a new language and get a new soul” with this dynamic online German course? Learn German fluently and expand your horizons, you have no reason not to.


Learn French Online - Confessions Of An Anglophone


by: Suzanne Brown

To this day, I can still remember my four-month backpacking trek across Europe and of the many sites and experiences. But what stood out for me was the fact that most people, young or old alike, spoke English and at least one or two other languages. I would often feel guilty for having to communicate in their country in English and not in their language. How often as North Americans when we travel to foreign countries face the invisible wall of language, which keeps us hemmed in and somewhat restricted and limited in our experiences of the people and culture of that country. On my return home I resolved to learn French so that the next time I re-visited Europe, I would be at the very least bilingual. I no longer wanted to be the typical monolingual North American. And you have to admit that we are living in a global community in which the world is no longer a big place. I want to be a member of our global community.

So, why learn a language? The reasons are many so I won’t bore you with the “why”. Let’s address the generic “why” at a later time. But as Martin H. Fischer says, “Any man who does not make himself proficient in at least two languages other than his own is a fool.” And the benefits range from the personal to the biological and listing them would be redundant. Well folks, I didn’t want to be a ‘fool’ no more.

I chose French as my first language because my husband is French and I’m an Anglophone living in a French environment. I also love the sound of the language and the French cuisine and culture.

By what means was I going to employ to learn French fluently? I chose to learn French online. I wanted to learn French the easy way with the convenience of learning at home, having my own hours and learning at my own pace. I wanted to find a proficient French language package that was innovative as well as educationally and linguistically sound yet affordable. So let’s cut to the chase and review what this package entails:

Firstly, this package is portable. If you can access the Internet, you can go online and listen to a French lesson or do a grammar exercise. If you want to use your mp3 player to learn French vocabulary, just download one or more audio lessons and begin to learn. If you want to burn a CD to learn French fluently once you’ve downloaded the audio to iTunes or Windows Media Player, insert your CD-Rom and synchronize. This enables you to save and use time effectively especially if you want to learn French fast.

Secondly, you can learn how to speak French fluently with a real French accent because the program, including the interactive software games, uses native French speakers. So you get to hear authentic French spoken instead of reading a boring textbook and guessing how to pronounce the words. You can also quickly learn French as most lessons and games are between 15 to 34 minutes.

Finally, you will learn how to speak French online because they teach you the 31 most useful French conversations. This is very practical especially if you desire to communicate in a proficient manner when visiting a French speaking country. They also provide you with an online forum with access to French teachers and fellow students.

You too can break the language barrier and expand your horizons by learning to speak French with this innovative course. So when a French visitor speaks to you on your turf, you’ll be proud to respond in French and not look like a ‘fool’.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Meaning of Life

. Thursday, June 26, 2008

by: Keith McGregor

During my spiritual development process I have often asked during my guided meditations, what the meaning of life is.

While doing my meditation exercises using my downloadable meditations, spirit gave me lots of small ideas to put together. The messages I have been given have been spread apart but very easy to place together. I have taken this opportunity to gather them together completely for the first time and offer them to you as simply as I can.

Our journey begins before birth. We decide what lessons we are going to learn on the earth plane, what we are going to go through and what our objectives are.

You see, in spirit, our true home, when we are feeling or experiencing an emotion it takes only a split second. It is simply a thought; but here, on the earth plane, we feel everything so intensely. We experience pain and love, heartbreak and anger with such power it is felt through our organic body and it can last for years.

Once we have decided and agreed on our life path and which lessons we are going to endeavour to fulfill on the earth plane, we are ready for the most traumatic thing that will ever happen to us. WE ARE CONCEIVED. We start our new organic lives squashed into the 8 basics cells of life and then over the months we grow in a dark and wet place without understanding, as all our knowledge of the universe and past lives have been hidden from us in our primal cells of life. We begin a new journey.

Yet we have not got even close to taking the biggest step on the journey! One day, when we are extremely squashed and uncomfortable in our vessel that carries and nurtures us, the vessel begins to squeeze us and push us down a short tunnel. It pushes us over and over again until we explode out of our comfort zone into a cold, bright, noisy environment where we are very afraid and have to learn new things immediately. We need to learn how to breathe.

We have arrived, yet we are helpless and unable to do much. We have to learn it all. We have to learn everything again and over the next 7 years we learn the basics we need to proceed along our long journey. The lessons that we need to learn here on the earth plane are those of emotions and feelings. If we can master the way we deal with emotions and situations on the earth plane, then when we are back in the universe, we have far more understanding of our simplest thoughts and feelings.

So for those of you whose lives have had their ups and downs, (and I know it is all of you) those ups and downs are simply the lessons of life that you need to learn and experience. Don’t think of them as good and bad, but think of them as easy and difficult learning experiences. Remember the more you learn whilst here on the earth plane, the more you are going to give back to the universe and increase your spiritual vibration and universal understanding.

And don’t forget, although some of us will suffer long difficult lessons before we go back to our spirit home, when we pass over back to our normal state of existence in the spirit realms, it only takes a second to go from organically alive back to our spiritual selves.

Hence the meaning of life is to feel and deal with your emotions. What I have learnt from this is to accept my emotions and welcome them, no matter how difficult they may be. There seems to be lots of understanding when you work on your spiritual growth.


The Incredible Power Of Intent


by: Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Imagine two big spotlights. One is pointed upward, casting light far into the air. The other is pointed downward and buried into the earth - no light is cast at all.

This is like intent.

There are only two possible intentions in any given moment: the intent to learn about loving yourself and others, and the intent to protect against pain with some form of controlling behavior.

When you consciously choose the intent to learn, your light points upward, shining upon the truth that will guide you in your highest good. Your mind opens and becomes a receiver of the information you need to support yourself in manifesting your dreams. Consciously choosing the intent to learn is the most powerful thing we can do. When we consciously choose the intent to learn, we open ourselves to our Higher Self - the part of us that connects us with the information and creativity in the universe.

When we unconsciously choose the intent to control, we shut off access to truth. Our mind closes and becomes like a closed circuit TV - recycling the old information that has been programmed into our mind. We become stuck in our limited mind, operating from the false beliefs that we learned as we were growing up. We become stuck in the past, recreating old hurts.

The challenge here is that our unconscious automatic choice is to control. When we were growing up, we all had to learn many ways to control to survive the challenges of childhood. We learned ways of trying to have control over how people feel about us and treat us, such as anger, blame, judgment, righteousness, or compliance. We learned ways to protect against losing ourselves to another's control, such as resisting or withdrawing. We learned many addictive ways of avoiding feeling our pain, such using food, drugs, alcohol, TV, Internet, sex, work, sports, gambling, shopping, self-judgment, and so on - all to have control over not feeling our painful feelings.

Most people immediately, and unconsciously, choose the intent to control the moment they feel any anxiety. The problem is that the intent to control is self-abandonment, always causing even more fear, anxiety or depression. Instead of shining the light of love upon your distress in order to learn and heal, you shove the light into the ground, causing more darkness.

Choosing your intent is the essence of free will, and it determines what you feel and what you manifest. While you might have momentary pleasure when something good happens, the deep joy and wellbeing that we all seek, and the ability to manifest your dreams, is the result of your intent to learn about loving yourself and others.

The challenge in our lives is to REMEMBER that we are at choice - to remember to choose the intent to learn.

How can you remember to consciously choose the intent to learn? How can you remember, the moment you feel any fear, anxiety, or any stress, to open to learning about what you are thinking or doing that is creating this stress? What can you do to stop your automatic reactive controlling behavior?

First of all, you need to accept that this is a lifetime practice - not something that will occur quickly. We have all been practicing the intent to control for most of our lives, so it will take much practice to even remember that there is another choice.

The place to start is to practice noticing your feelings throughout a day. Perhaps wearing a rubber band that you can snap on your wrist will remind you to check inside to see how you are feeling. You cannot begin to learn about your thoughts and actions that are causing your feelings until you are aware of your painful feelings. You cannot stop your addictive anesthetics until you are WILLING to feel your feelings and take responsibility for them.

If you decide that you are willing to feel your feelings, that willingness will lead you to becoming more and more conscious of your feelings. This is the beginning of being able to consciously choose your intent to learn.


Various Procrastination Quotes


by: Greg Frost

Procrastination is a bad habit that has been around since people had things to do, and reasons not to do it. If you are taking steps to overcoming your habit of procrastinating, here are some inspiring and witty quotes that cut to the quick. They will amuse you and motivate you to persevere in kicking the bad habit, with their refreshing honesty echoing thoughts that we often harbor without realizing our folly.

Remember, procrastinating is a bad habit! These quotes give you reasons why you should not procrastinate.

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

– Napoleon Hill

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday

– Don Marquis

You may delay, but time will not

– Benjamin Franklin

Procrastination is the thief of time

– Edward Young

There are a million ways to lose a work day, but not even a single way to get one back.

– Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

– C. Northcote Parkinson

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.

– Olin Miller

Putting off an easy thing makes it hard. Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.

– George Claude Lorime r

Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.

– Benjamin Franklin

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

– Walt Disney

Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count.

– Dr. Robert Anthony

The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for to-morrow which can be done to-day.

– Abraham Lincoln

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

– Anne Frank

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

– Douglas Adams

I love deadlines. Especially the whooshing sound they make as they pass by.

– Douglas Adams

How does a project get to be a year behind schedule? One day at a time.

– Fred Brooks

Speech is conveniently located midway between thought and action, where it often substitutes for both.

– John Andrew Holmes

My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry 'til a more convenient season.

– Mary Todd Lincoln

I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work.

– Pearl S. Buck

The Procrastinator's Creed:

1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.

2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.

3. I will never rush into a job without a lifetime of consideration.

4. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in proportion to the amount of bodily injury I could expect to receive from missing them.

5. I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possibility for new technologies, astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from my obligations.

6. I truly believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the amount of time given.

7. I shall never forget that the probability of a miracle, though infinitesmally small, is not exactly zero.

8. If at first I don't succeed, there is always next year.

9. I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my mind.

10. I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first word, when I get around to it.

11. I obey the law of inverse excuses which demands that the greater the task to be done, the more insignificant the work that must be done prior to beginning the greater task.

12. I know that the work cycle is not plan/start/finish, but is wait/plan/plan.

13. I will never put off until tomorrow, what I can forget about forever.

14. I will become a member of the ancient Order of Two-Headed Turtles (the Procrastinator's Society) if they ever get it organized.

– Anonymous


Photographic Memory Training Exercises


by: Greg Frost

Photographic memory training exercises are used to develop and improve and individual’s memory. Most techniques taught in books focus on the ability to retain and recall information when needed. However, photographic memory training exercises should focus on the learning process, rather than the memorization. It is the learning process that creates links in the mind, allowing it to recall the information at a later time.

There are many common photographic memory training exercises, such as list building, word association (also known as visualization and association) and story telling. These exercises are useful in remembering lists such as birthdays, telephone numbers, or your shopping list.

Whilst there is great controversy regarding the existence of photographic memory, it is without a doubt that these exercises when used, can train the mind to improve on its mental capacity and memory.

The best method that we recommend would be the picture game. This is one that can be adapted to use with children or adults, and the best element of this exercise is that it is fun. This makes it an interesting experience, and people are more likely to remember what they learnt and put it into practice. When working with children, it is also a good suggestion to involve a reward, as this will motivate them to work harder and pay attention to what you are trying to teach.

The Picture Game

This is a fantastic exercise for improving your sensory memory, especially your vision. Start with a simple picture that involves at least a foreground and a background. Study the picture for a minute, then put it away and see how much of it you can recall. For example, what were the people wearing? What colour was the house? How many apples were on the tree? These are simple questions which will inspire you to want to recall everything about the picture, making it a great exercise. With constant practice, you can move on to more complex pictures, and soon you will find yourself on the way towards developing a photographic memory!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Memory Techniques to Get Ahead in Life

. Tuesday, June 24, 2008

by: Greg Frost

Memory techniques are very simple, and can be used to improve your mind and your life. Learn how to enhance your mind to impress your friends or your boss for that pay raise!

Imagine being able to remember your grocery list effortlessly, without rote memorization! The human mind is complex, and with understanding and some memory techniques you will find that knowledge is ingrained in your mind, and recalling it will be a breeze.

Connection Technique

The connection technique creates meaning or a link to an event or fact that you know, thus allowing you to recall it easily. An advantage of this memory technique is that it makes use of common information that you know and thus makes it unlikely for you to forget the information once the meaning has been attached. For example, it is easier to recall an address of 2612 Memory Walk, by linking it to Boxing Day, which falls on the 26th December.

Mind Mapping

An equally easy and potent technique for training your mind is through mind mapping, which is based on how we think and recall information. This memory technique uses your entire brain by linking ideas and processes. By forcing you to put down on paper your thoughts, it forces you to focus your full attention to the information. The usage of visuals through colours and pictures also reinforces memory.


This is a simple technique often used to remember something by focusing your entire attention on it. The use of repetition entrenches the information in your long term memory. By doing so, you are able to avoid the common mistake many people make – forgetting things because they did not remember them in the first place.


Mnemonics are a form of memory tool that trains your entire mind to store and retrieve information through the use of association. Language is an important aspect of recalling information, and mnemonics in the form of rhymes or familiar trigger words can serve as resources to your mind. You can link the main ideas or information that you need to remember in a story, or via the use of acronyms. An example would be Roy Of York Gave Birth in Vain, an acronym for the colours of the rainbow – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.

Simple day to day activities such as reading is also a great way to improve your memory by exercising your mind. By learning and using any of the techniques above, you will soon find yourself able to rely on your mind more than ever. The capacity of our memory is virtually unlimited, and by matching new information to things already in our memory, you will be able to train your mind into being a reliable store of data.


Photographic Memory Techniques – Exposed


by: Greg Frost

There are many photographic memory techniques claimed to be able to help you develop a photographic memory. There have been many studies showing that eidetic memory, also known as photographic memory, is questionable. It is a rare ability found in less than 10% of the population, and whilst you many not be born with this ability it is possible to acquire it. Many photographic memory techniques assist your brain by boosting your ability to remember information. Your study habits also play a part in this, as different people learn differently.

Having a photographic memory has many advantages which should not be discounted. However, it is not necessary to have a photographic memory to improve your studying abilities. It can be substituted with other methods such as mind mapping, or developing an efficient information categorization system. Alternatives also include only jotting down the main points that each chapter or book is trying to convey, and making sure you understand the concepts. Most people are unaware that whilst a photographic memory is an enviable skill, it is not without its disadvantages.

One of the key problems with having a photographic memory is that you tend to suffer from information overload, having been exposed to a lot of information that may be unimportant or irrelevant to you. Having to deal with such great amounts of information means that you are less efficient in recalling the specific information that is needed, and you may also have difficulties in forgetting things which are irrelevant to you. Having a good memory is not just about remembering, but about being able to forget.

Having said all that, if you are still interested in developing a photographic memory, you should turn to instruction on how to develop this skill. There are many books available, as well as tapes and DVDs that provide such instruction and techniques. The human mind functions in a similar way to a computer’s database, and it is important to find the right linkages in order to call up the right information. Humans are not designed to be databases for storing information. Your memory should be used to recall information that is relevant, rather than just for storing purposes! Keep in mind that a good instructional tool should teach you about learning, and not just about remembering.


Stress Management - 5 Easy Ways to Manage Stress


by: Greg Frost

If you are reading this article, you have already fulfilled your first step in identifying that you may have a problem, and are taking active steps in learning how to cope with it. Whilst stress is sometimes seen as a negative problem, there is positive stress as well, which can help us to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency at our optimal stress level.

Stress refers to the conflict we experience when we face pressures and react to the external environment, and this can take the form of both psychological and physical reactions. Be it competition at your workplace, or conflicts at home or with friends, stress is everywhere and certainly unavoidable. Hence, it is important that you learn how to manage your stress levels to ensure that they continue to remain positive, and not cause a negative effect on your lifestyle.

Below are 5 easy ways to manage stress:

1. Identify the Causes

There are many causes of stress, which we refer to as stressors. These stressors are likely to occur in your everyday life, and you can identify them simply by your own reactions to different events or situations. For example, if you find yourself getting a headache when you are required to give a speech, you are likely to be suffering from performance stress. There are many different stressors, and these can range from bereavement and boredom to frustration.

2. Taking Deep Breaths

This is perhaps one of the easiest and most effective relaxation techniques. When you feel your body tensing, or a headache approaching, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths and slowly accept the situation without panicking. Tell your body and mind to calm down, and this will help to stave off the approaching reactions that your body has to the stressor.

3. Think Positive

Your subconscious mind picks up and magnifies your positive and negative thoughts! It is important that you maintain a positive attitude towards stress management, and this will help your subconscious to magnify on the positive aspects. Remember that no matter how stressful it may seem, you will learn something from the situation.

4. Take care of yourself

If you take care of your body, it will help your mind to function better. A well rested body and mind can work wonders for stress relief, so make sure that you get the recommended dosage of 8 hours of sleep a day. A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will keep your systems healthy and working. Regular exercise at least twice a week will help your body to relax and unwind from the daily stressed you face. It does not need to be something that is extremely taxing – a brisk walk or yoga practice sessions work just as well as aggressive sports.

5. Relax

Learn to slow down your pace and relax! The psychological and physical reactions are your body’s way of telling you that it needs a break, so take heed. Often, we are the most demanding on ourselves, and you need to remember that taking a break can be more productive than slogging on. A quick break or a power nap can help to rejuvenate your mind, and leave you more motivated than before!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

5 Tips for Coping with Anxiety Disorder Panic Attacks

. Saturday, June 21, 2008

by: Greg Frost

There are various types of anxiety disorders, but the main underlying characteristic is the irrational and excessive need to worry and the fear. Panic attacks occur randomly and frequently for those who suffer from anxiety disorder. When they occur, they cause headaches, nausea, tremors and irrational fear and nervousness.

Approximately 20 million adults and children in America suffer from some form of anxiety disorder, and it is a very common problem. There are different triggers for the different types of anxiety disorders, but here are 5 tips to help you cope with the panic attacks that will occur.

Tip #1: Learn to Relax

Relaxation techniques can help you to reduce the effects of panic attack symptoms, such as headaches and sweating. By concentrating on yourself and blocking out all negative emotions and the environment around you, you can relax your body and breathing. This will lessen the intensity of the symptoms, but should not be used as an alternative from proper medical treatment.

Meditation can also help you to relax, and it is useful to practice this regular in the morning or at night. This will help you learn to calm your body and mind down. Set aside some time for yourself to relax and unwind everyday, and this will reduce the build up of stress and tension from your work or life.

Tip #2: Seek the Right Treatment

There are a variety of treatments available for anxiety disorders, and it is important to pick the right one as different treatments are more effective for different types. Medication can curb the symptoms, but it is not a quick cure, and has many side effects which are often severe. Cognitive and behavioral therapy is more suitable as it helps you come to terms with the root of your anxiety attacks, and will help you to overcome your disorder.

Tip #3: Change your Lifestyle

Take up exercise at least twice a week, to help get your body fit again. There are many forms of exercise to choose from, and possible suggestions include brisk walking or swimming. Your diet also plays a big part, and you should try to keep a well balanced diet. Cut down on processed foods and high sugar snacks. Substances such as alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine are also highly discouraged as they act as either stimulants or depressants, and can trigger your panic attacks. If you feel that your job is too stressful, consider changing to one that is more relaxed instead. After all, your health is wealth.

Tip #4: Seek Support

It is unhealthy to bottle up your emotions, and it is encouraged that you share your emotions and experiences with your friends and family. Share with them your problem, and how you are going about trying to cope and recover. They may have valuable suggestions, and if nothing else, they can help to support you emotionally. Support groups and professional counseling is also a viable alternative. Talking about your anxiety will also help you to come to terms with it, and understand the causes of your panic attacks better.

Tip #5: Self Monitoring

Take some time out to relax and unwind, and make sure your body and mind is calm. Make a list of the causes of your panic attacks, and try to identify what triggers them. Once you have done that, you can look for an appropriate solution, whether it is facing the problem or simply avoiding being in such a situation again.


4 Quick Tips to Improve your Self Confidence


by: Greg Frost

Self confidence is akin to a tool. It provides you with a sense of certainty, and helps you to manage your fears. Self confidence is usually built up through a history of positive experiences, and with an improved sense of self confidence you will find that your esteem and mental state will be greatly improved as well.

If you find yourself unable to summon up courage to voice your own opinion, or to tell someone to back off when you need to, then it is probably a sign that you need to improve your self confidence. Here are 4 easy tips that will help you do just that.

Tip #1: Set Goals

The first step in gaining self confidence is to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. These goals should not be unachievable nor out of reach, but should be a challenge for you so that you can improve. No goal is too small, as every little step counts and works towards achieving the next bigger goal. With set goals, you will be able to push yourself to exceed your comfort zone, and it will give you something concrete to work towards.

Tip #2: Control your Feelings

Feelings are strong emotions that can have a big impact on our self confidence. Emotions associated with fear, anxiety or distrust can undermine our self esteem, whilst others like happiness and excitement can increase our self confidence. By being able to control your emotions so that you do not fall prey to negative emotions, you will be able to project positive emotions. This makes it easier for you to act and appear more confident.

Tip #3: Have a Mentor

Pick someone that you trust who will be able to give you the type of guidance that you are looking for. Make sure that it is someone who will not be afraid to push you to achieve your goals, and hold you accountable if you are not reaching them. It can be a friend or a family member, or a professional even.

Tip #4: Take Action

Do not allow yourself to procrastinate as you need to take active steps in order to build confidence. It is often a vicious cycle if you insist on waiting for your confidence to improve first before taking action to help you grow your self-confidence. Based on the goals that you have set for yourself, set aside an hour or so everyday to work on doing activities that will help you to achieve those targets.

Stop yourself from worrying about being unprepared, or not confident enough to approach new activities. Whilst it is normal to worry, it is important that you do not do so excessively. There are many possibilities open to you, and you need to be receptive to developing your own self-confidence.


Using Stress Relief Games for Stress Management


by: Greg Frost

Stress refers to the tension and pressure from the conflict between the external environment and yourself, resulting in physical and psychological reactions. There are many ways of relieving and managing stress levels, ranging from the extreme to the not so. Medication, alternative treatments, therapy range on the extreme, whilst relaxation techniques, laughter and even stress relief games range on the not so extreme.

That is right – there are such things as stress relief games, which promise to help you with managing your stress levels. Stress relief games are a viable option for relieving stress, and this includes both indoor and outdoor games. Although this method is not supported by research, it is highly recommended by most stress management programs.

Outdoor games take the form of tennis, football or basketball, and works similar to exercise. It is a great way to relieve stress and unwind, and serves as a useful and healthy outlet for day to day worries. Through exhaustive physical game play, the stress hormone levels are decreased. Indoor games are of course, a lot more convenient, and do not require you to spend as much time. These include chess, computer games, or mind puzzles such as crosswords and sudoku.

If outdoor games are similar in function to exercise, than indoor games are similar to meditation or relaxation techniques. By focusing on the game, the mind is able to move away from the stressor and this will help it to relax. The game also allows for the expression of altered states of emotions, ensuring intense involvement.

That said, that are many games available online for free, and it can be difficult to choose the appropriate game. There are a few guidelines to keep in mind when picking your game, to ensure that you reap the full benefit of engaging in the game. Firstly, the game should be suitably challenging, but should allow the player to win with ease. This promotes a sense of success and will increase confidence.

Secondly, it is important to pick a game suitable to each individual. Certain people relieve stress through physical exertion or expression of anger, and it is preferable to pick games that allows for them to vent their emotions without any actual physical or emotional damage to themselves or others. Suitable games would be those that involve some measure of violence. Of course, games which have negative effects should be avoided, such as those with high violence content and a high level of difficulty.

In general, studies have found that the incorporation of stress relief games at work reduces stress levels, and result in better relaxation. Whilst only a few studies support the use of online indoor games in stress relief, it is the general perception that such games are highly effective and useful for short term and immediate stress relief.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

General Anxiety Disorder - Top Causes Explained

. Thursday, June 19, 2008

by: Greg Frost

General anxiety disorder, or GAD, falls under the wide umbrella of anxiety disorders. People who suffer from GAD are characterized by a sense of apprehension in crowds or social settings, and can be seen as an extension of other common fears. Typical symptoms of GAD sufferers include over worrying about simple or day to day affairs such as health, money, or relationships, making it easy for the fears to overwhelm their lives, waiting for some vague looming disaster to befall. Other physical symptoms are headaches, hot flashes, sweating and irritability. Approximately 6 million Americans suffer from GAD, with two thirds of them being female.

There are many different factors that cause GAD, and research suggests that it may be hereditary. GAD usually occurs during childhood, in response to stressful situations, and may occur in conjunction with other anxiety disorders. Whilst exact causes of GAD have yet to be established, factors such as genetics, neurotransmitters and stress are proposed triggers.

It is important to be able to identify the causes of GAD, as it will help you to identify the source of your anxiety disorder. When you are aware of what triggers your disorder, you will feel less helpless and uncertain, and your fear of anxiety attacks will also fall. There are many possible triggers for stress-induced GAD, and as we experience stressful situations in our daily lives, this makes it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

One way to identify the most likely cause of your stress is to take out some time from your schedule to relax. Lie back on a comfortable couch with soothing music, and help your mind to calm down. Make a list of your fears and uncertainties, and try to figure out what causes you to feel this way. Remember to be honest with yourself, and this little exercise could reveal to you the reasons for your anxiety which you never before realized.

Below are a few of the top causes of GAD explained – Why it causes anxiety, and how to recognize if you fall under the same category.

1) Emotional Conflict

This occurs when your behavior is in conflict with what you believe to be right. When this occurs, you feel emotionally disconcerted, and feel as though you are living a lie. It is often hard to determine if you are suffering from emotional conflict, hence it is recommended that you first try to identify your core beliefs and identify if anything you are engaged in may be causing you internal distress.

2) Underachieving

This is when you feel as though you could have done better, or should be doing better than what you currently have. This can be due to many reasons, and a common way of detecting if you suffer from this is to try and recall if you often find yourself making excuses to reason out why you underachieved. Sometimes, a reason for your underachievement could be external, due to politics for example, and this could be causing you to feel anxious.

3) Fear of the Unknown

This is a very common problem, and is a likely cause of your anxiety if you are going through a particular turbulent period in your life. This could be due to the death of a loved one whom you depend on heavily, job prospects or your health. This causes you to feel insecure and uncertain about what the future holds for you, and can lead to stress and anxiety disorders.

Stress is one of the most common triggers of GAD, and extreme cases may result in depression. It is important to take some time to assess where you are at in life, and whether you are headed in the right direction, so that you can take steps to align your actions to your goals.

Keep a positive attitude and mindset when dealing with yourself, and other useful methods for identifying the potential causes include meditation, professional help, or support groups.


Overconfidence VS Lack of Confidence


by: Greg Frost

Confidence refers to a strong sense of belief and trust in your abilities to achieve what you want in life. The benefits of having greater self-confidence are numerous, allowing you to have more faith in your decisions in life. Having a lack of confidence can prove to be an obstacle to achieving more from your life, but having overconfidence should also be avoided.

Whether you feel that you have sufficient self confidence, or that you have room for improvement, do keep in mind that the key is in striking a balance between your level of confidence, and the life path that you are charting. If these two are not complementary, you may find that a lack of confidence will hinder you from staying on track, whilst overconfidence may prove to be your downfall.

Self confident people are able to determine what they are doing in life, and reach for it with enthusiasm, knowing and placing faith in their strengths and skills to achieve it. Many people seek to improve their self confidence, but it is necessary to draw a line between being confident and over confident. Overconfidence can work against what you are aiming for, blinding you to your own comparative advantages or preventing you from accurately determining if the position you are in is where you desire to be.

Overconfidence also works against you, when you are faced with failures or obstacles when you feel strongly that it should have been straightforward and easily achievable. This results in anger and impulsive behavior, and you may end up souring relationships with your colleagues and close friends. Often, people who are overconfident are unaware that they are, or that they have overreacted. This makes it even more difficult for them to identify if they are overconfident.

A few likely signs that you are overconfident is if you tend to be overly assertive and feel that you are superior to others. You will also find that your friends are keeping their distance, or are somewhat cool towards you, and most people keep a distance from you. If you suspect that you might be overconfident, well done, this is a signal that you are humble enough to deal with your confidence problems.

Constantly keep your pride and confidence in tasks or opinions come in second to logic and analysis. Do not let your confidence cause you to lose your guard, or put in less effort than you should be putting into your work.

Thus, while being confident is desirable, be careful not to over rely on your self confidence or use it as a reason to procrastinate or to cut down on your preparation work.


Why Take an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Test


by: Greg Frost

There are many symptoms that a person suffering from ADD will display. These include a lack of organization, restlessness, inability to concentrate, agitation and impulsive behaviour. However, these symptoms are easily mistaken with that of other diseases, such as thyroid, depression, or simply an excessive intake of sugar.

If you find that you, or your child, have constantly exhibited the above symptoms for a long period of 3 to 6 months, there is a possibility that you are suffering from ADD. However, it is extremely difficult to accurately diagnose ADD, which is the main explanation why some adults have never received treatment as a child.

Even if you firmly believe that you are suffering from ADD, or vice versa, the significance of this disease and the possible treatment options that you may seek mean that you should always seek a professional opinion. As ADD is a mental illness, it is difficult to test for it. Your symptoms could be a case of another illness such as autism or impaired hearing, or a high stress environment. Further, it is debatable to determine if the child is simply extremely precocious, or if he is hyperactive.

When you make a trip to your family doctor, or to a professional in this field, he will first run you through a thorough physical examination. This is to ensure that there is no other medical or physical cause for your symptoms, as many diseases display similar symptoms as ADD. In general, the symptoms can be classified into inattentiveness, hyperactivity, or both.

Your doctor will also run though your family’s medical history to determine if it was genetically passed down, as well as to calculate the likelihood that any offspring will be vulnerable to ADD. Traumatic and significant events that have occurred in the recent history should also be discussed and shared, as they could contribute to environmental stress that your child has been facing, which caused him to display ADD symptoms.

Where possible, records of the individual’s behavior and participation in class or at work, as well as interaction with his friends during breaks should be made available to the doctor. This will help to reduce any possible bias based on the child’s preferences, or to determine if the child only acts up in a particular class or for all classes. Reasons for the child’s inattentiveness could be a distraction from friends around him, a class bully, or that the child has poor vision and needs sight correction. It will also help your doctor to determine if your child’s behavior and school results tie in with his IQ level.

All these procedures will be helpful for the doctor to compare against the DSM-IV criteria used to determine if the individual suffers from ADD.

Thus, whilst it is inadvisable to diagnose independently if you or your child suffers from ADD, it is recommended that you do your research and attempt to find out as much as you can about ADD, its symptoms, causes and treatments. A great place to start would be the Internet, and with relevant information you will be able to make informed decisions.


5 Ways to Handle Chronic Procrastination


by: Greg Frost

Procrastination is a debilitating condition because it saps away our motivation to work and achieve, and eventually resulting in negative repercussions to our jobs, relationships and overall mental and physical wellbeing. To procrastinate is to intentionally and habitually put off and delay completing certain tasks or responsibilities that you should. This could be something simple such as exercising twice a week, or something more severe such as a school or work assignment.

If you find yourself being swamped by work despite there being no increase in the daily amount, or that you often make empty promises to yourself, you might be a procrastinator. Unlike simply putting off a task for a day or two because we are feeling lazy, procrastinating is a long term habit that has been built up for months, and perhaps even years in some cases.

Thankfully, it is not impossible to rid yourself of this habit. Much like other habits, in order to get rid of it you need perseverance and determination to build up a positive habit and override the procrastinating bug. If you have acknowledged that you have a problem that is a positive first step in the right direction already. Below are 5 ways for you to handle your procrastination habits.

Step #1: Take Action

It is one thing to acknowledge a problem, and quite another to be willing to sit up and take action. It is no use just saying, “Yes I have a problem”, and not taking any action to curb it or cure the problem. It is simply a matter of having a positive and a “can do” attitude.

Step #2: Find the Root

What is the cause of your procrastination? Is it that you are simply lazy and couldn’t be bothered? That is highly doubtful, as most people who suffer the evils of procrastination do so due to other reasons, and not laziness. Try to trace back to when you first started procrastinating, and if there were any events that were particularly significant to you. Alternatively, speak to a close friend or family member and find out when you started putting off your work. Examining your emotions when you are faced with tasks that you always procrastinate is a good place to start.

Step #3: Set Goals

Once you have identified the cause, you can take positive action to correct it. For example, if the cause was poor time management, you can set out a to-do list in your planner and follow it. The important thing is to set goals for yourself. These should be achievable and with a time factor incorporated, so that you can chart your progress.

Step #4: Be Realistic

It is easy to get carried away and buy many planners and draw up incredible to-do lists that utilize every minute of your waking time. However, this is simply not realistic, and you will not be able to follow it, causing you to feel depressed or inadequate. The key is to be realistic in your expectations and actions. Plan for breaks to rest your mind, and allow for buffer time because things never go perfectly according to plan.

Step #5: Review

Always review your progress, so you can see how much you have improved. Speak to your counselor or your family to see if they have noticed any lapses or if they have any suggestions for you. Look back and track your progress to prevent yourself from regressing. It is also a good way to reward yourself for a job well done, and you will be well on your way to beating the procrastination bug!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Women with ADD and its Effects

. Wednesday, June 18, 2008

by: Greg Frost

Whilst the occurrences of ADD between men and women are about equal, women are more likely to proactively seek treatment. This is just one of the first few differences between men and women. Certainly, the women have it tougher than the men, especially if they have to work to support the family and do double shift when they get home, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids.

Whilst the males are more likely to expel their negative emotions through words and actions, females tend to internalize how they feel. This usually leads to depression, as feelings of inadequacy, guilt and low self esteem work together with ADD. Acknowledging that they have a problem by the name of ADD can come as a relief, as they realize that there is a reason for all the emotional upheavals that they have been experiencing.

Women have it tougher, simply because society expects too much from them. Imagine getting a man to work all day, and then go home and do the chores and care for the children – not going to happen any day soon. So husbands and sons, learn to be more appreciative of what the females are doing for you. That said, there is certainly no need for females to all turn into superheroes.

If you are a female suffering from ADD, you would be wise to pick your own battles. If you cannot cope with working and taking care of the home, choose one and stick with it. If your financial situation does not allow for you to stop working, perhaps you can look into hiring a babysitter or for paid help to assist you with the workload. There is certainly no shame in doing so.

For mothers who suffer from ADD, they may easily find themselves on a short fuse as they tend to the chores and deal with the little mishaps, accidents and interruptions that come with having children. Mothers should hence learn to recognise the possible triggers that may lead to a loss of temper which is detrimental to the family. Talk to the children if they are old enough to understand, and establish some ground rules for when they can and cannot interrupt. If you are unable to cope with the mischief they have whirled up, send them to their rooms and take some time to calm down before dealing with the problem.

There are many medications available for dealing with ADD, and whilst with the help of stimulants it is now possible to focus, do not get too carried away. Try not to attempt more than you normally would, as this would lead you to overworking your body and mind. It is also important to constantly consult your doctor to find out what the medication is supposed to do, and review if it is effective. This is especially if you have an active sex life, are considering expanding the family, or approaching menopause. Different medications can interact differently with your body and result in lowered sex drive for example, so it is recommended that you both discuss what you want and how best to achieve it.

The option of psychotherapy treatments should also be considered seriously, as medication merely solves the symptoms. Therapy and medication are usually prescribed hand in hand, and the treatments can range from individual therapy to family and group therapy.

Remember that you are a capable individual, and that ADD is a problem that can be treated and dealt with so that it no longer negatively impacts your life. Think positive and act positive!


5 Ways to Counter Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)


by: Greg Frost

Children are not the only ones who suffer from ADD, many intelligent adults are struggling with this condition as well. Whilst it is nothing to be ashamed of, it is important that you seek help and treatment, as this can significantly improve your quality of life. Most sufferers are apt to hide their condition, and over time experience low self confidence and find that there is little meaning in their lives.

If you have taken active steps to find out more about adult ADD and what it entails, as well as looked for a professional opinion, then you will find that the following 5 ways to counter ADD will be highly useful for you.

Method #1: Overcome your Inattentiveness

Being unable to focus or pay attention can be an annoying trait, but it is not difficult to deal with. Train yourself to follow a certain schedule everyday based on what you need to accomplish. This will give you something concrete to follow and focus on, as you have acknowledged the various tasks you are responsible for. This will cause your mind to stop pushing the various thoughts through your mind. It is also handy to keep a notebook with you at all times. When you’re concentrating on one task and random thoughts start filling up your mind, simply jot them down to think over at a later time.

Method #2: Face the Problem

Nothing can be more comforting that facing up that you have a problem, and that you are normal. By admitting that you have a problem, you will find that it is easier for you to take active steps to treat the problem. Talk to your friends and family and help them to understand why you behave a certain way sometimes. This will also highlight to you the areas that you need to work on or take notice of. Scheduling regular sessions with a therapist will also help you to work through your problems.

Method #3: Kick the Restlessness

Your mind and body are restless because they find the tasks at hand too boring, or a lack of a challenge. Engage in frequent sessions of exercise, such as going to the gym or playing soccer 4 times a week, to help you get rid of all the extra restlessness that seems to be bugging you.

Method #4: Distance yourself when Necessary

After you’ve talked to your friends and family, you should be able to identify situations and possible warning signs that you are getting agitated or losing your focus. When you feel the symptoms coming on, take a deep breathe and calm yourself down. Focus on your breathing to relax. If that doesn’t work, distance yourself physically by going out to take a breath of air or pace away the excess energy.

Method #5: Boredom, be Gone

If you are aware that your job is too boring for you, find ways to make it interesting and challenging. For example, a particularly tedious job could become challenging if you set yourself a time limit to beat, or if you promise yourself a nice reward for completing the task. Alternatively, you can engage your other senses to keep your mind challenged. Burning aromatherapy candles will have a dual purpose of exuding calming properties and engaging your senses. Listening to music in the background will also serve as a much needed distraction from the boredom of your task.


Why Do People Procrastinate


by: Greg Frost

It is extremely common for us to put off doing something simply because we are too lazy to do so. However, procrastination goes beyond that. It is a habitual and intentional act to delay doing or completing their responsibilities, and over time, can have severe negative impact on the person’s life. Their overall wellbeing suffers as well, as feelings of guilt, inadequacy, stress and depression may kick in.

Why do people procrastinate then? More often than not, people procrastinate not because they are lazy. There are many causes and reasons for procrastination, and below we shall discuss a few of the more common ones. By understanding the reason and the emotions behind your procrastination, you can then go about getting rid of this bad habit.


Some people have unrealistically high standards and expectations, and this causes them to procrastinate as they feel that they do not have the skills and abilities that are needed to complete it satisfactorily. They are afraid of attempting it, and not doing it perfectly, hence they make excuses that they need to acquire more knowledge before they can attempt it. The best way to break out of this cycle is to tell yourself that you can do it, and the task is easier than what you think it is. Or perhaps, you need to speak to your superior to draw up accurate and realistic level of expectations.


This occurs when you find yourself avoiding the task, or simply refusing to complete it. The cause of this could be an argument with your superior, or your teacher or project team. The feelings of anger and resentment against them can translate into an unwillingness to do what they have assigned you to. Another common reason for procrastination could be the anger felt at having the task forced upon you, when you are either unwilling or uninterested in it, and have expressed so and been ignored. This would cause feelings of resentment and result in avoidance.

Negative Thinking

These are the people who constantly harbour thoughts that they are not good enough, or that they always fail, and are probably just stupid and incapable. This kind of negative thinking makes it difficult for them to attempt projects, especially important ones as they feel so inadequate that they should not even be doing a task of this magnitude or importance. The root cause of this form of thinking could be previous failures, or abrasive and abusive comments from people around them, causing them to be labelled with their own inadequacies and perceived shortcomings.

Hence, there are many different reasons why people tend to procrastinate, and this is a bad habit that many people are guilty of. There is a difference between being momentarily lazy, and procrastinating as a habit. By identifying the reason for your procrastination, you will be able to eliminate it and finally get your work done on time.


What is Procrastination and its Effects


by: Greg Frost

Procrastination refers to the act of intentionally and habitually putting off tasks which need to be done. People who procrastinate have a tendency to self deceive their acts by doing other tasks which are trivial or of no consequence to pass time. This is an act of keeping themselves busy so that they would have no time to do the more challenging and important tasks. In time, this becomes a bad habit that is difficult to get out of, and will affect the person’s standard of work as well as his emotions.

People who procrastinate will develop feelings of guilt and stress, as the work piles up and turn urgent. Procrastination on its own is not a dangerous habit, but it can and will lead to many negative effects if it is not nipped in the bud.


People who procrastinate tend to be disorganized, as they neglect the important or the urgent work in favour of other tasks. This leads to a pile up of tasks that soon turn urgent even if they are not important. This leads to the individual finding it difficult to cope and rushing to deliver the urgent tasks, with little time to properly consider or evaluate their jobs. He will soon find himself perpetually stressed, coupled with feelings of guilt and self-blame as he knows that he could have gotten these tasks done long before they became urgent.


Procrastinators usually exhibit signs of forgetfulness such as putting off simple tasks, and then forgetting about them. They tend to be distracted easily as they would rather be doing something else rather than what is important and needs to be done.


Due to the fear of being unable to deliver their tasks by the deadlines, procrastinators tend to start avoiding the people they have to report to, or the location itself. For example, they may call in sick to avoid having to explain why they cannot submit their work. Oft times, people procrastinate because they feel that they cannot adequately handle or complete the task, and hence choose to avoid it altogether.

Procrastination is a habit that is difficult to spot in one’s self, as we subconsciously avoid even thinking about it being a problem, as we fear having to face up to it. It can be an indication of psychological problems, as over time the person may develop anxiety, depression or attention deficit disorder (ADD).

If you notice that your friends or loved ones are developing the habit of procrastination, you should recommend them to go for counselling. There are many techniques that can be used to overcome procrastination, but only if the individual is willing to recognize the problem and deal with it. These techniques are in the form of time management and organisation skills.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Self-Love Empowers You

. Tuesday, June 17, 2008

by: Iain Legg

When you think of personal empowerment, you probably think of qualities like strength, confidence, courage and tenacity – but did you know that self-love is also an important aspect of empowerment?

When you truly love yourself . . .

• You treat yourself with respect and kindness. You set firm boundaries in your life, you devote time and attention to proper self-care, and you consider your personal time to be a high priority. Feeling loved and cared for automatically makes you feel more balanced and strengthened from within.

• You expect fair treatment from others too. No longer do you find yourself settling for less than you deserve or allowing others to take advantage of you. Instead, a strong level of self-love gives you the courage to stand up for yourself.

• You have a greater sense of self-awareness and self-knowledge. Loving and accepting yourself helps you to feel more connected to your authentic self, which inspires confidence and assurance in who you are.

There are many more ways that self-love can help you feel more empowered, but more important is knowing how to begin loving yourself. If you’ve spent the majority of your life feeling negatively about yourself it might seem like an impossible task to suddenly bring forth feelings of genuine self-love, but it’s probably easier than you think!

First and foremost, it’s important to spend quality time alone on a regular basis so you can get to know yourself. You can explore and discover your interests and passions, indulge in some favorite hobbies, write your thoughts and feelings in a journal, or simply dream and plan for your future.

Make time to relax and do the things you love. Listen to uplifting music, read great books, stimulate your creativity by exploring your artistic talents, or take classes on topics that interest you.

Nurture yourself as often as possible. Go easy on yourself when you’re not feeling well, and pamper yourself when you feel the need for a little comforting.

Buy nice things for yourself. Speak kindly to yourself. Romance yourself! Take long walks on the beach and gaze up at the stars at night. Buy a beautiful greeting card, write an encouraging note inside and mail it to yourself.

Most importantly, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror every day and say, “I love you. You’re a great person and you deserve the best that life has to offer.”

All of these activities are simply suggestions, of course. Follow your heart and do what feels right to you. As long as you’re doing things that make you feel loved and cared for, you can’t help but feel happy, fulfilled and empowered!


Build Your Strength


by: Iain Legg

When it comes to personal empowerment, feeling strong and grounded is crucial. Without a perception of yourself as strong and resilient, you’ll find yourself cowering in the face of challenges; feeling intimidated by other people, and weighed down by your own fears and insecurities.

A strong person, on the other hand, knows that he or she can handle life’s challenges and triumph over any adversity.

There are four key areas where strength needs to be built in order to fully empower yourself:

Mental Strength.

Mental strength includes qualities such as clarity, focus, determination and positive self-image.

Are you confident, self-assured and proud of who you are? Do you know exactly where you’re headed in life and exactly how to get there? Do you feed your mind with positive fuel each day and push yourself to move beyond your comfort zones?

If not, you’ll want to start building your mental strength by developing a stronger focus and transforming limiting or negative thoughts. Your thoughts form the basis for your life and determine the way you see yourself in the grand scheme of things. Make it your mission to strengthen your mind, change unproductive habits and improve limiting perceptions.

Emotional Strength.

Emotional strength pertains to your level of resiliency, flexibility and your beliefs.

How well do you handle the stress of life? Do you tend to take things personally? Do you cringe when someone says something negative about you? Are you easily upset by minor conflicts? Are you afraid to assert yourself?

Emotional strength is all about being tough and resilient in the face of adversity - being flexible enough to bend without breaking, in other words. A good place to start is by making yourself feel loved and valued on a daily basis. A strong foundation of self-love and respect will help you to feel stronger, but it will also reduce your need to seek validation and acceptance from others. Also important is gaining control over your emotional state by choosing not to allow external influences to upset you. Avoid taking things personally and learn to become more self-contained, impervious to situations that threaten to upset your emotional balance. Finally, get into the habit of stepping back emotionally and challenging beliefs that don’t serve you.

Spiritual Strength.

Spiritual strength is all about feeling connected and balanced on a deeper level.

Do you have a regular spiritual practice that you engage in daily or weekly? Do you feel connected and guided by a power greater than yourself? Do you feel like your life has meaning and purpose?

This has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with your own perception that there is more to you than your physical body. It doesn’t matter which religion you practice (or if you practice none at all) – it matters only that you choose to believe that there is a reason for your existence and you feel supported and loved by a power greater than yourself. Spend time in daily meditation or visualization to help foster a deeper connection between yourself, the universe, and others.

Physical Strength.

Physical strength may seem to be the least important of these four cornerstones of empowerment, but it is actually one of the most crucial. Have you ever noticed that people who are physically strong usually carry themselves with more confidence and feel better about themselves? When you feel strong physically, you tend to perceive the rest of you as being strong and capable too!

Are you in good physical shape? Do you eat well and exercise frequently? If not, you’ll want to take steps to get your body back into the best shape you can. Speak to your physician about starting a fitness regime, and begin treating your body like a cherished temple. Give particular attention to nutrition, rest, and self-care. As your body becomes stronger you should notice positive changes elsewhere too.


Knowledge is Power


by: Iain Legg

Part of being an empowered person is having intimate knowledge and awareness of yourself as an individual, including your strengths, talents, weaknesses, capabilities and limitations.

How well do you know yourself? You’d be surprised how many people don’t know themselves at all! If you’ve spent the majority of your time focusing on the people around you, you may not have a clear self-image, which can lead to feelings of inner disconnection and disempowerment.

On the other hand, when you know yourself well you are empowered in that knowledge. You feel confident, self-assured, centered and strong, which enables you to live purposely and make more beneficial decisions.

Getting to know yourself is easy to do with a consistent investment of time and focus. Basically, you’d start just like you would if you wanted to get to know another person better – you’d spend quality time with them! By spending frequent quality time with yourself, you’ll gain a clearer idea of who you are.

Start by considering your interests and passions. Grab a sheet of paper and jot down some of the things you enjoy doing now, or have wanted to explore in the past. If you’re not sure, think about the things you did when you were younger. Have you always had an interest in creative activities like art and photography? Did you belong to any clubs in school? Have you always wanted to take foreign language classes or travel to exotic places?

Eventually you’ll want to devote time to exploring these activities because they’ll help you to grow more fully into yourself as a person. However, for now simply explore your dreams, passions and interests on paper.

It’s also a good idea to get an idea of your personal values using this same process. What is most important to you? Honesty, love, compassion, service to others, family connections, making a positive difference in the world? Jot down some ideas about the things that really matter to you. Through these values you’ll get a clearer idea of the type of person you are.

Eventually you’ll want to be sure that the majority of your daily activities are in line with these values. For example, does your job support your value of honesty, or are you required to “fib” or act in ways that are contrary to your values? This is important because you will never feel truly empowered until you are living in alignment with your core values!

Another great way to get to know yourself better is through journaling. When you journal, you are connecting with a deeper part of yourself: your authentic self! Start by writing down some of your inner thoughts and insights about yourself. If you’re not sure exactly what to write, try asking questions like these:

• Who am I?
• Why am I here?
• What is my life purpose?
• What am I here to contribute to the world?
• What do others think of me?
• Is that who I really am?

Don’t worry about getting the answers right – the important thing is to explore your personality and get a clearer idea of who you are. Open your mind and let the answers spill out onto the page.

Getting to know yourself is a process that will continue throughout the rest of your life, but the more connected you become with your inner self, the more confident, self-assured – and empowered - you’re going to feel.


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