Sunday, September 7, 2008

Identifying Your Dreams and Desires

. Sunday, September 7, 2008

by: Gary Evans

Writing your intentions down is critical to your success. Writing has a magic ability to crystallize your intention and also provides a great method to place great amounts of focus and attention upon your desires.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich believed that writing your intentions down was one of the most critical stages in the manifestation process. Without it, one would fail to achieve the desire.

At first glance, identifying your desires sounds like a very easy task. Most would say, “I want more money,” or “I want a bigger home.” These are perfect desires to have, yet they lack any substantial detail. For example, let’s say for a moment that you do manifest a bigger home, but this new home you manifest does not have a kitchen. A very basic necessity to any home, yet because you didn’t define it, you weren’t given it. Or perhaps the home you manifest is bigger, but it requires more work to be done and isn’t what you want.

As soon as you give birth to a new desire, the Law of Attraction immediately begins working in your favour. As you begin to define the details of your desire, the Law of Attraction responds accordingly to incorporate your new asking.

The best way to get involved with the specifics of your desires and to determine exactly what you really want is by making an intention list. An intention list is as it sounds, a list of everything you want, dream of or desire.

You’ll probably want to make many intention lists, but for now focus on one desire per list. Grab a sheet of paper and title the page with your desire. Next, draw a line down the middle making two sections. On the right hand side, start listing everything that you do not want. We are conditioned to focus upon the negative aspects of a situation instead of the positives, so identifying what you don’t want should be a breeze!

Let’s say your desire is a new relationship. You begin to list everything that you do not want, such as:

* Spending night’s home by myself
* Doing all of the cooking and cleaning on my own
* Someone who watches the football all of the time
* A poor listener
* Not very romantic

On the left hand side of the page, you then write the polar opposite to what you said you didn’t want.

Not very romantic >> becomes >> Romantic & loving
A poor listener >> becomes >> Listens to my suggestions

By focussing on what you do want, instead of what you don’t want you are able to tell the Law of Attraction in detail how you want your desire to be.

Now that you’ve got your list, make good use out of it. Grab a new sheet of paper and write out all of those positive things that you want. We no longer need those old negatives dislikes in our life, so it’s best you throw that old piece of paper in the trash.

With your new list of positive aspects around your desire, place the list somewhere that you will look often. Maybe you could put it in your bathroom, bedroom, toilet, office or kitchen? Or perhaps you will check your handbag or wallet more often? Put the list where you will see it frequently. At least twice a day read your intentions list to yourself.

What you want to do now is to really get into the feeling as if you’ve already got your desire with all of the details you’ve specified. This can be as long or as short a process as you make it to be – as long as you’re feeling the feelings as already having it then your work is complete.

You will quickly discover that an intention list will be something you always want to keep around. They are great fun to write, fun to read, and most importantly, all of that fun will eventually transmute into manifestation!


How Do I Use The Law of Attraction?


by: Gary Evans

You’ve heard about the Law of Attraction, but you’re still having a hard time getting it to work for you? Changing your thoughts can appear a daunting task, but it is one that you must undergo if you truly desire change.

Here’s a question you should begin to ponder … Is my goals and desires worth the effort required in order to bring about the manifestation?

Changing your thoughts to focus upon positive aspects most of the time is a time consuming challenge and will require persistence and a real determination to change. It will be a lot of work, but it will not be hard work.

Personally, I think that a lot of people perceive it to be “hard” work and so they give up and go back to their mediocre lifestyles. Let’s put this into perspective, if feeling good and imagining your desires as if they are already here is hard work, then something has gone horribly wrong in your deciphering of what it is that you want.

This stuff shouldn’t be hard work at all! It should be the most fun work you’ve ever had. Dreaming and visualizing about how you want your life to be is a wonderful experience.

There are three major factors we need to take into consideration when designing our lifestyles:

Thoughts – What you hold in your mind on a continuous basis is crucial to what you’re going to see in your future. It is your words that help define the thoughts you hold and it is your thoughts that help define what you will feel. Unfortunately a lot of us have got a lot of negative conditioning and we are so used to thinking in a certain way, that it does appear daunting when change is proposed.

Your thoughts are quite easy to change though - you just need to start feeding your mind with some positive thoughts and positive words on a continuous basis. Your feelings will soon change after you’ve been exposed to some positive “good feeling” thoughts.

Emotions – Pay attention to your feelings! If you feel bad, you’re certainly not on the right track and need to get out of that feeling as soon as possible. Feeling good is your dominant proclivity and it is your birth right. The only reason you can ever feel bad is if you hold thoughts that do not allow well being in. Good feelings are natural to you. When you hold no thought at all, you feel wonderful because you are more connected to your true source which always feels good.

As you become more focussed on thinking positive, abundant and prosperous thoughts you will begin seeing your world around you change to adapt to your new perceptions. I invite you to practice feeling great for 7 days straight … I promise you that you won’t want to go back to your old way of thinking.

Ability to Act – In most cases, our manifestations will come about in inspired actions. You will be inspired to do something, or you will receive inspired thoughts about what you should do next. This can be invigorating and when the conceptions are received it can be one of the joyous moments you can ever experience.

You must act on these inspirations with speed. That does not mean drop everything you were doing and act right away, but still jot down your inspired action and look into it later on.

Remember, there is no shortage of anything that the universe can yield to you, including opportunity. Do not beat yourself up if you feel you’ve missed an opportunity or if something fell through when you really wanted it to happen. If you are in harmony with the universe then an abundance of opportunity will present itself and will keep presenting itself until you do act.


6 Great Concentration Exercises


by: Greg Frost

It is not easy to concentrate especially when we are surrounded by distractions, such as the people around us, the hum of the computer, or other background noises. In order to achieve greater concentration, we need to have a strong will in order to block out all other distractions except for the task at hand. Your thoughts have more power than you give them credit for, and if we apply our will to improving our concentration and reaching our goals, we can take better control of the direction in life that we are headed towards.

Here is a list of great concentration exercises that you should practice if you want to improve your concentration. Keep in mind that you should be calm and relaxed, physically and mentally. You can achieve this state by taking deep breathes and focusing on your breathing.

These exercises should be attempted for 5 minutes, and lengthened to 10 and then 15 minutes when you are satisfied with your own results and achievements. Do not be discouraged, and keep working at them as they seem simple on paper, but actually require a great deal of mental willpower and concentration to achieve. If you find your mind wandering away from the task before the time limit is reached, bring yourself back and start over.

Exercise #1:

Count backwards slowly in your mind, starting from 100 back to 1. Do not allow your mind to wander to other thoughts, such as the time, or why the neighbour’s dog is barking. Focus solely on the numbers, and if you find yourself daydreaming or confused as to which number you are at and which direction you are counting in, start over.

Exercise #2:

You can move on to this exercise when you can complete exercise #1 successfully. This time, count backwards slowly from 100 to 1 in your mind, skipping in multiples of 3. For example, 100, 97, 94 and so on. Like the previous exercise, this should be completely mental. Do not hold a piece of paper with the numbers written on it, and do not use your fingers or any other means of keeping track of your position.

Exercise #3:

Take a simple thought, scenario, or word and keep it focused in your mind for the entire time limit. If it is a word, repeat it to yourself without getting distracted by your favourite way of using the word, or why you picked the word. Focus solely on the word and how it sounds. This should be the same if it is a thought or a scenario. Do not let your mind wander and contemplate why you have picked that particular scenario, or what it means and how it came to be. Focus simply on what it is.

Exercise #4:

Pick a simple object that you are familiar with, such as a pencil, or a fruit. Concentrate and look at the fruit taking in its texture, colour and any other physical attributes that are evident. Spend the entire time limit simply looking and absorbing the object from all angels. Your mind should only be seeing the object, and you should not let it wander to other thoughts.

Exercise #5:

When you are able to complete exercise #4, you can move on to this exercise. Picture the same object in your mind, and try to recall every single detail. The colour, the weight, the feel of the object and how it looks. If you are unable to recall, you may open your eyes to look at the object, and then close your eyes and concentrate again.

Exercise #6:

When you have completed the rest of the exercises, take the entire time limit to sit down and breathe deeply. Focus on your breathing, in and out. Let your mind be cleared of all thoughts, so that your focus is solely on your breathing. Do not entertain any stray thoughts and keep your mind completely clear.


What Causes Procrastination


by: Greg Frost

Procrastination is a bad habit and you are definitely not alone if you procrastinate. Many people are procrastinators, and overtime, this bad habit can cause severe damage to your work life and your overall mental wellbeing. You may find yourself feeling depressed, guilty or suffer from high levels of stress due to work piling up.

Like all other bad habits, such as dragging our feet or hunching when we walk, procrastination is not easy to spot in yourself. Even if we are aware that we are avoiding our work, we are unable to pinpoint the exact reason why, and often exist in the state of denial where we simply blame our procrastination on other things. Procrastination is the habit of intentionally avoiding and delaying doing our work and it is very easy to get into this bad habit.

If you find that you or your close ones are procrastinating, it would help to get them engaged in acknowledging that they have a problem. Much like joining Alcoholics Anonymous, there are many support groups available for procrastinators to get back on their feet. It is also advisable to see a counsellor or therapist to work through the reason why you started procrastinating in the first place. More often than not, by the time a case of procrastination is identified, the individual has already suffered huge blows to their self esteem and confidence, and are likely to be depressed, guilty or suffer from anxiety disorders, among others.

There are many causes of procrastination, and it differs from individual to individual. It could be due to the person’s character, or an event that was traumatising on some level. The repetitive act of pushing off doing work over time develops into the habit of procrastination, and it is important to go back and unearth the initial cause that sparked off this bad habit. Below is a list of possible causes of procrastination, and by running though you can possibly identify similar causes in yourself.

1) Poor Time Management

These are individuals who either overestimate their efficiency and capability, or they have a mismanaged sense of how much time they have available to complete tasks.

2) Inability to Prioritise

It is always easier to do the simple and unimportant tasks first, but this problem goes beyond that when the individual is unable to differentiate between what needs to be done first, and what is less important.

3) Negative Mindset

These are people who have low self esteem, or have become unduly affected by people’s comments putting them down. They genuinely believe that they are inferior and incapable of working well.

4) Fear of Failure

This is a very common problem, as nobody likes failing after putting in a lot of effort and work. The fear of failure may be sparked off from a previous failure, causing them to avoid putting in effort and failing again.

5) Lack Challenge

Not all jobs can be exciting and stimulating, and jobs that are repetitive and unchallenging can cause the individual to be demotivated. This results in feelings of restlessness and a general unwillingness to work.


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