Thursday, July 30, 2009

Self Defense – Best Tips

. Thursday, July 30, 2009

by: Jim Wilkinson

There are many things you can do in order to practice proper self defense and personal protection techniques. These things include learning, practice, being aware of your surroundings, and much more. These tips can help to keep you safe.

There are many tips and tricks you can learn when it comes to self defense. You should learn as much as you can so that when you are approached by an attacker you have what it takes to fight off the person. You can learn through local self defense instructors or you can even purchase DVDs and videos for training on your own. These are effective methods that will teach you the basics of fighting off an attacker in different circumstances. Once you learn the techniques you should practice them on a regular basis. This will ensure you are good at them and you will be more prepared to use them when you need to.

When you are considering personal protection it is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Many people who are coming out of the grocery store and mugged are the ones that don't pay attention to what is going on around them. Look around for people following you, standing around by your car, and that just don't look right. Don't hitchhike because you don't know the drivers of the vehicles. Also, avoid places that the crime rate is bad or if they look sketchy. Don't look like an easy target for the criminals. Hold your head up high and be confident and pay attention to the things going on around you.

When you are finally forced to put your self defense techniques into action you must do so. Don't be afraid to scream as loud as you can, kick, bite, and do everything. You must get away because it may be the last hour of your life if you do not. If the person has a gun and they tell you that they are going to shoot you if you scream, but to come with them, they will most likely harm you when you get to where he takes you. Make as much noise as possible and you become the aggressor. Show the person you are not afraid of them. When most criminals find the person is not afraid of them they will not commit the crime.

Use personal protection devices for self defense such as a Taser, Stun Gun or pepper spray. You should purchase them and carry them on your person. Do not put them deep into the depths of your handbag or your briefcase and have no idea where the pepper spray is or how to use it. Know exactly how to use things like pepper spray, stun guns and Tasers. Also, at night it is okay to have these devices in your hand while you walk down the street. Be prepared to use them. It could save your life.

There are many things that you can do to practice personal protection and be prepared to use self defense. If you come upon a situation where you need to use them you will be prepared and ready to defend yourself if you practice the techniques and become good, fight the attacker back, use personal protection devices, and more.


How to Start Living Your Ultimate Life


by: Rod Hairston

Can a missile hit its target if no one programs in a destination? Can it even be launched? No! The missile's guidance mechanism needs to know the destination. Think of yourself as that missile, and your Vision as the program that gets you to your destination. I know you're saying, "But, I've never created a Vision for myself." When you do not consciously create a Vision for yourself, your unconscious mind creates one for you. You are headed somewhere. In every category of your life, such as your career, your relationships, and your energy, you are following a plan designed by your unconscious mind.

Everyone is following a plan. This is so important to understand. If you do not deliberately create a Vision for each category of your life, your unconscious mind will do it for you. Maybe it will create the Vision from significant emotional events in your past, or maybe it will model your peer group, or the media, or your childhood beliefs or your parents behavior. If you don't know where you're going, just look around at your life because your unconscious mind has had to create a vision for each category of your life in order for you to function. This is so important to understand.

Are You Playing "Let's Make a Deal" with Your Life?

On the TV show "Let's Make a Deal," you can give up what you have now for the promise of whatever is behind "curtain number three." Sometimes it's a new car, but most times it's a herd of goats. That's how some people live their life. "Well, I'm going to make a deal with my health. We'll just see how it turns out," or "I'm going to make a deal with my relationship. It stinks right now, but maybe we'll stay together." Or "I'm going to make a deal with my finances. I'm broke and I'm doing the same old things, but...."

I can hear you saying, "What if I write down a Vision and have no idea how to make it happen? What if I write a vision down and I don't know how to get it done?" It's not about how. The Vision compels you to develop the belief and the faith and everything else that you need. It's about believing and then seeing. I have a friend and client who is the chairman of the most successful online mortgage company in the world. He borrowed five thousand dollars 14 years ago and has parlayed that to a fortune at least worth six hundred million. He's created an environment for over two thousand people that's so supportive and great that it was voted the twelfth best place to work for in Fortune magazine.

I asked him how he did it and he said, "Rod, you'll see it when you believe it, not before."

In order to believe anything you have to have something to believe in. The how will come. You'll be amazed at what you draw into your life. You have to start with the vision, though. You have to! And you have to make it big, you have to make it bright, you have to allow it to give energy to you and to your life. You can always change it, but it's time to wake up and realize you're in the game; you might as well play. It's time now to start living and stop letting your automatic patterns hold you back. It's time to expand and really, really design a world the way you want it to be. And hopefully your world will promote happiness, not just for you, but for everybody that has the opportunity to be around you.

Let your life be an example of achievement and growth. Following your Vision will also help you be an example of what is possible so that other people can see that life is about creating and adding to mankind, not taking away. Without a vision we're prone to adopt an attitude of scarcity, the thinking that says life is a win-lose game. If you win, I lose; if I win, you lose. A fulfilled life is not about that type of mentality at all. It is about the understanding that you create your life. ~Rod Hairston


Ten Reasons to Learn to Use Hypnosis


by: Roseanna Leaton

In day to day life I come across ever more reasons why everyone should learn to use hypnosis. You can empower your mind and also go a long way to achieving good health simply by using hypnosis. Here are just a few basic reasons why you too should learn to use hypnosis and benefit from it in your life.

1. Hypnosis is natural and normal; you pass through hypnosis as you go to sleep and as you wake up.

2. Hypnosis allows access to your subconscious mind, the part which knows just what to do and just how to do it, the part which acts automatically and spontaneously.

3. When in hypnosis your creative mind comes to the fore and so you can use imagery and visualization for therapeutic intervention more easily. Visualizations become more vivid and therefore more real, and this goes a long way to explaining why hypnosis is so beneficial to sports performance. Whatever you imagine you can create. You in effect open your mind to greater possibilities.

4. Visualizations created whilst in hypnosis are also a very beneficial way in which you can gain relief from many physical ailments, such as IBS relief, depression relief and anxiety relief.

5. You can use hypnosis to create a zone state and in effect have tunnel vision and so aid more powerful direction of thought and intent.

6. You can learn self hypnosis at home with the help of hypnosis downloads or hypnosis cds. You get better at it with practice and so you can learn to access deeper states as you wish. Contrary to popular belief, deeper states are not necessary for therapeutic intervention; mild hypnotic states are perfectly effective.

7. Hypnosis creates an REM state, the same state which you access each night as you dream. This is the state of mind which is essential to natural and easy conflict resolution. With hypnosis you can get your conscious and subconscious mind working together, and also your logical and creative minds working together. In this way you can overcome a feeling of "being in two minds" and instead create a feeling o alignment and balance.

8. There are no uncomfortable side effects to hypnosis. In fact, the "side effects" are good - you feel relaxed, calm and comfortable; worries and tensions just fade away. This makes hypnosis a great way in which you can learn to change state easily and it is a natural antidote to anxiety or the "fight or flight" response.

9. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation, and when in hypnosis your heart rate slows down as does your breathing and your blood pressure naturally lowers. Hypnosis is in fact like taking a mental massage and you can use your mind whilst in hypnosis to feel as if you have had a physical massage as well. The interesting thing about hypnosis is that you can use your mind to massage your inner self as opposed to just the outer self.

10. This last fact leads me to the real crux of why I think hypnotherapy is the very best mind power tip and also the very best therapy. Hypnosis allows you to look within, to access the inner workings of your mind. Everything in life starts with how you think about it. If all you want to do is to change your attitude towards something hypnosis will be a great help. If you want to take things a step further, and change how you act as well as how you think, hypnosis is invaluable. Should you want to use hypnosis for more therapeutic purposes, it is often an effective therapy in itself, but it is ALWAYS beneficial in preparing your mind to respond in the best way possible to any therapy or treatment which you undergo.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for your health and well-being.


Having the Confidence to Be Who You Are


by: Roseanna Leaton

I was flicking though a book the other day by Neil Donald Walsh, one of the "Conversations with God" series, and as always when perusing his writings, I was struck by one particular paragraph. He was questioning how a person can remain peaceful and loving when the world around you is demonstrating the opposite. In fact, this is what is asked in the book:

"How do you remain peaceful when the world is demonstrating everything but peace? Loving, when the world is demonstrating everything but love? Forgiving, when the world is demonstrating everything but forgiveness?"

The answer given in the book was, as always, spot on: "You insist on being who you are no matter what the rest of the world is being". The question which immediately arose in my mind was as to how many of us actually have the confidence and belief to do this? How many of us have a firm basis of self belief?

We are not born with a lack of confidence; rather, we are an almost open book, the pages of which are turned in accordance with our experiences. We learn to like or dislike ourselves as a result of the actions and reactions of people around us. We learn our levels of self belief and self confidence as a result of the types of experiences which we encounter.

Those first few years have an amazing impact upon our later experiences in life. Because to (loosely) quote Henry Ford "if you think you can you probably can, but if you think you cannot, you are probably right". If you think you can do something you will have a go at it with confidence, and determination to find a way to do it. On the other hand, if you were to only think that you might be able to do it, you are less likely to look for alternative paths to achievement when the going gets tough. And, if you do not think you can do it at all, you will not even give it a go.

Those first few years in this way shape our later reality. We make our choices based upon our framework of self belief. We get into situations which then confirm and strengthen those beliefs. It is all too easy to go from a childhood in which you felt unloved or unworthy into later relationships where you take on the role of one who is worthless, one who is a victim.

But it is never too late to change. To change the outer reality of your life, to change who you spend time with, where you live, how you allow people to treat you, how you allow yourself to be swayed in this or that direction, and so on, you first have to look within. Because everything that is happening in your life now is happening because you chose this path, either consciously or inadvertently.

More often than not, those choices are made accidentally, more by allowing things to happen than by thinking "oh wow I want that to happen". The key to being peaceful and strong in yourself, and staying on your own path, is to look within and to take control of your own mind and your own choices.

This is why I am so in awe of the power which hypnosis gives to us. Hypnosis allows contact with your inner mind; it enables you to reveal to yourself the thoughts and attitudes previously hidden within your subconscious mind. Not only that, you can use hypnotic suggestions to install confidence building feelings and attitudes. And this can be done in the comfort of your own home, with the help of hypnosis downloads.

There is also an additional dimension to having such a strong sense of self that you always stay on your own path, knowing that this is where you are meant to be, no matter what is happening around you. This added dimension reaches further inwards to our sense of the spiritual, an inner knowing that we are on our current path for a reason, the knowledge that we are in the right place at the right time.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for your growing confidence.


Hypnosis is The First Place to Look for Self-Help


by: Roseanna Leaton

Self-Help is a label which we are all very familiar with in this day and age. We walk into a book store and discover that the "self-help" section now stretches over an ever greater portion of the overall store. Self-help books abound. And there are too many self-help methods to even attempt to try and count them. Every magazine has a self-help section and even television programs are veering in the self-help direction.

For someone who is seeking help, it is all too easy to become completely confused as to which way to turn; which self-help method is right for you? The answer, in my opinion, is to go for the one which you have the greatest belief in. What you believe in and what you expect to work will indeed tend to do just that. Your expectations, in the majority of things in life, result in creating your reality. Your health, both emotional and physical, is no exception to this rule. We are, all of us, aware of the placebo effect, although few of us realize the extent to which it moulds our behavior and our lives.

The placebo effect demonstrates unequivocally the power of our own mind. Your mental attitude should always be taken into account when dealing with something which has become an issue to you. It doesn't matter what happens to you in life, it is how you choose to respond to it which counts.

I think that many people who seek "self-help" look in the wrong place for it. They are not really looking for self help; rather, they are looking for help from the outside, hoping that something outside themselves will help, that something out there will "do the trick". But as the title "self-help" implies, to help oneself it is necessary to look within, to examine one's own beliefs and expectations.

True self-help requires you to take responsibility for your own thoughts, beliefs, expectations and every other aspect of your current existence. Up until the age of eighteen you can heap some of that responsibility upon your parents or carers; but once you reach this age, it is important to remember that this is YOUR life; it is your responsibility to live it to the full, to rise up to challenges and grasp at every opportunity. If you do not respond to opportunities, you will never be lucky in life.

The first place to look for self-help is in your own mind. Then you can look around you to see what may assist. Change always comes from within. Unless you are willing to examine your own inner thoughts and beliefs, you will find that change will not take place in your life. This is why I am so awe-struck by the opportunities which hypnosis presents to every single individual who is seeking to change, no matter what it is that you may wish to alter in your life. Whether it is something big or small, deep rooted or superficial, you have to GET YOUR MIND AROUND IT or nothing will change.

Hypnosis allows access to your inner mind, and so it allows you to get into the very place which powers your ability to change. Hypnosis enables you to access your own unique "power house". With hypnosis you can get your mind around the things which you wish to change. Hypnosis is undoubtedly the most important self-help tool you could ever acquire. Hypnosis allows you to take control and to change from the inside out.

Not only this, hypnosis is complementary to every other self-help method you could contemplate as it can be used to focus your mind and build your expectations of success. (Hypnosis is also a very important complementary therapy to main-stream medicine, but this is subject matter for a different article.) You can learn to use hypnosis with the help of hypnosis downloads quickly, easily and inexpensively in the comfort of your own home.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for health, well-being and success.


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