Tuesday, October 30, 2012

6 Simple Self Improvement Tips

. Tuesday, October 30, 2012

by: Daniel Better

The following self improvement tips will aid you in your efforts to begin your personal development endeavours. You will find yourself achieving new levels of fulfillment by incorporating them into your daily life. If personal development and growth interests you, there is a good chance you are constantly looking for reliable techniques that will stimulate your progression. Any tactics that can kickstart your personal growth and show you fast results would be fondly looked upon.

After years of study in the self improvement arena, I have found the following strategies to be invaluable. Any chance I can give back to others that have that same thirst to better themselves, I consider it a privilege knowing that I was once in the exact same place.

Expect to Achieve

While many think that the majority of people who are successful in the world are smarter than they are, that simply is not the case. The real secret here is to expect to win before it has ever happened. I can’t stress enough how important this is. Your mindset has a hugely powerful effect on whether or not you will attain your dreams and goals.

Note that I didn’t say you need knowledge to win, because the fact of the matter is having a bold and determined expectancy goes a lot further than actually having the knowledge. The knowledge will come with conviction and persistence.

Keep a Daily Journal

You will be hardpressed to find an ultra successful person who doesn’t adopt a personal daily journal. We can’t keep track of everything that passes through our minds and this is when a journal comes in extremely handy. Whenever something strikes you as something you would like to do, accomplish or feel passionate about, get in the habit of writing it down. It will give you a sense of self-awareness and will skyrocket your confidence in yourself.


Known to be a fabulous stress reliever not to mention the other health benefits like aiding in digestion and even slowing your heart rate, this is one of the most overlooked of the techniques even though it could very well be one of the most important. It drastically helps in avoiding worries and anxiety because it clears your mind of all the negative thoughts useless thoughts that we all feel from time to time. Your sleep will be more restful and it will help you make the most of the other techniques shared here.

Write Action Plans & Specific Goals

The simple act of putting pen to paper has a dramatic effect on clarifying your goals and aids with the expectancy I talked about earlier. This habit of writing down goals is mandatory if you want to actually achieve those goals. Dreaming is one thing, doing is quite another. All of these written goals should lead you to your ultimate long term goal and perfect life.

Daily Affirmations

Getting in the habit of reading aloud positive affirmations each and every day will lierally change your character, your personality and ultimately change the actions you take every day of your life. I have found that reading these out loud when I get up in the morning and before I go to bed at night to work very well. You can’t help but change your inner self by doing this religiously every day.

Be Well Rounded

All areas of your life are affected by all other areas of your life. By that I mean, if you have bad relationships for example, your finances and even your health will suffer also. Problems in your relationships, your health or finances will zap the necessary energy to make the most out of all of these areas of your life. Personal development and success will become much more difficult as a result.

In order to accomplish great things, living a balanced life is so important, a life of great emotional fortitude, financial security and physical stamina. Be well rounded in all of these areas and you will inevitably reap the rewards.

To great success in your life!


Inspirational Proverbs Of Solomon That Enrich People's Lives


by: Michael Lee

Reading inspirational proverbs of Solomon has always aided me in difficult times. Whenever I find myself in sticky situations, or whenever I'm caught between two confusing paths, his wise words often have the power to clear my head.

Why don't you read and benefit from Solomon's words of wisdom yourself?

Inspirational Proverb of Solomon # 1: “Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than him.”

This particular proverb always reminds me not to get caught up in my own hype. No matter how much I have accomplished, I dare not think of myself as the greatest or the wisest of all.

Sure, I like to reward myself for a job well done; but the truth is, there will always be someone far greater and wiser than myself. And the moment I start thinking that I am the best is the moment I stop growing. Don't fall into this trap and keep finding ways to better yourself.

Inspirational Proverb of Solomon # 2: “An iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”

This is one of my favorite quotes because it is phrased so wittily. The way King Solomon uses the word “sharpens” can mean a lot of different things.

There are times when “sharpens” talks about having a friend who keeps you in line. Let's be honest. Sometimes, we lose sight of who we are on the journey to success.

On the other hand, “sharpens” can also mean having a friend to help you become a better person. Your friends at work, for example, can help you develop your skills in pitching and presenting ideas.

Inspirational Proverb of Solomon # 3: “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.”

Some people make fun of those who are kind and nice. Those in the corporate world are particularly vicious when it comes to getting the corner office or that impending promotion.

However, this enlightening proverb reminds everyone that while lying, cheating and basically doing cruel things can get you short-term success, your acts will destroy you in the long run.

Before you go down that path, think again. At the end of the day, can you really stomach what you're about to do?

These inspirational proverbs of Solomon are as good as gold when it comes to making your life richer. Don't just limit yourself to reading them once; read them again and again so that you'll always remember.


Duality Vs. Polarity


by: James Renford Powell

The one concept that above all others plagues human beings, and has done so for all of recorded history, is the concept of duality. It is a hidden enemy, created in wrong thought (relative consciousness), and fed by fear. It has divided the world of man and has been the instrument of more death and destruction than all the terms we commonly use to describe evil. And yet the people of the world, as a whole, continue trapped in the same belief pattern. What is this thing called “duality”? Virtually every Church and most of the religions of the world have propagated this idea in their doctrine. Why is it such a pervasive idea, and why has it attracted such a following?

Many of the precepts of Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient Master in Egypt, can be found within virtually every world religion. It is possible that misunderstanding of this ancient teaching, interwoven with doctrine, may have led to the belief in dualism. Even initiates of Hermetic teachings today write in such a way that can cause confusion. The Hermetic principle of Polarity is presented as, “all manifested things have two sides, two aspects, two poles, a pair of opposites with manifold degrees between the two extremes.” This is a description of Polarity and not duality, but it is obvious how dualism can spring from an incomplete understanding. It is from the doctrine of Zoroastrianism that the universal struggle is described as the forces of evil against the forces of good is derived.

A clear understanding of three Hermetic Precepts might give you some clues as to how the fallacy of duality has been derived. 1) Correspondence – “As above, so below; as below, so above.” To some people this meant two worlds, as opposed to many planes of the absolute unity of Universal Being. 2) Polarity – “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. The fact that all paradoxes may be reconciled clearly indicates that all paradoxes are a part of the whole. 3) Gender – “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” So, we have multiple planes and the masculine and feminine principles are manifested in each and all are part of the whole.

The definition of Polarity which says, “Everything is dual” is taken to mean the world is dualistic. A closer look at each of these precepts and it is clear that while these poles and opposites are present they are present within the whole. Man sees forces on the other side where we go when we die. He wants to believe there are other planes but the experience of life and death chill him. He has a hard time reconciling life and death as just phases of the whole. For those who accept duality, the world is full of calamities that are thrown at them by evil forces, and how well they handle them determines whether they go to heaven or hell.

We hear people talk about how a city is racially polarized as if this in itself was proof of duality. In fact, the word “polarity” is proof of exactly the opposite of duality. Duality is a concept that states that there are two forces, good and evil, warring against each other. It is a lie the intellect has created, and we have accepted. There is only one power, and the other is created in our ignorance by the intellect and fed by our fear. When you say that a city is racially polarized, you are actually confirming the unity of humanity. There may be significant differences, culturally and economically, but polarity simply means the extreme points of one thing. If you have racial polarity all that is proved is that we are all human. The Universal Law is Absolute Unity. The perception is duality.

Most theology is dualistic in nature. Only a few Christian churches emphasize that there really is no competing power with God. The Unity Movement has made its statement of belief in the “Absolute Unity of all” the linchpin of its positive affirmations. Their affirmation is “There is only one power and presence in the universe, God the good omnipotent, the everywhere present Principle of Absolute Good.” In virtually every other theology, the universe is a battleground between good and evil. On the one side we have the Almighty God who created the heavens and the earth, and on the other side we have Satan, a fallen angel who reaches for and has an equal power status on earth. In fact, he is depicted as having control of earth. The world turns, and the battle rages for the souls of men. Everything is defined in terms of good and evil.

To say that there is only one power and presence in the universe is not just a statement of adoration and praise to God. It is a statement of principle. It is a statement of the Universal Law of Absolute Unity. When we say this, we are confirming that there is no other power but God. We are in essence renouncing duality and the idea of a second power that can compete and war against God. We are recognizing and affirming that evil and satanic forces are a creation of the intellect and a perversion of the reality of Absolute Unity. One cannot deny that negative and fearful thinking is the cause of negative and fearful consequences. Why? Because all thought creates. Thought will create constructively or destructively, but it always creates. Our world, our lives are our creations. What people refer to as evil might more accurately be seen as the destructive results of fearful, negative and wrong thought. It comes from man’s intellect and creates the perceived barriers to God. It instills in man the belief that there is a separation from God, which has never existed. It cannot and could not be because God is in man and everywhere present. Absolute means ABSOLUTE. If God is omnipresent, he is everywhere. So what could be considered evil? It can only be our perception of separation from God. It has no reality in truth.

Even some of the more enlightened religious systems retain a lingering vestige of the thought that man has somehow been separated from God and must go through a process of purification or karmic learning in order to be reunited with God. The Catholic Church has its purgatory in which the last bits of sin and perdition are removed before man can return to God. Some metaphysical schools, while teaching the Universal Laws, have not been able to get past duality. At least one of these schools actually teaches that there is the Universal Law of Duality. We have those who talk about good karma and bad karma. They say that this bad karma has to be paid in order to go back to God. There is no such thing as good karma or bad karma. There is only karma or balance. One might call it bad karma because an experience is unpleasant. However, all experience is attracted because we need the learning experience. In our pain, we don’t recognize or appreciate the experience, but it is part of the Law of Balance and Equalization.

How do we know that duality is a false perception, and what do we do about it? We can know through the process of identifying and verifying the Universal Laws in our lives. We can know the fallacy because we can understand the Universal Law of Absolute Unity. We understand that to look for solutions, or to place blame outside of ourselves, is a useless exercise. We know there is only one power in the Universe, and it is everywhere present. What we have perceived as a separation from God is only a creation of the intellect. Even with all the evidence of order in nature, we have been able to see only chaos and destruction in the storm. We forget that it is a product of natural order. In our concept of spiritual things we have perceived God as out there somewhere and heaven as up there! What we have perceived as an evil force is a product of fear created and fed by the imagination of the intellect. The intellect/ego, left to its own devices, seeks to establish itself as separate from the whole. It will go to extraordinary extremes to protect itself and establish its own power.

The ego does not need the protection it seeks in separation. It doesn’t need the creation of a great world struggle between good and evil to give it meaning. It does not have to feel smarter, superior or to have been chosen as God’s elite to give it self-worth. It must recognize that it is its own worst enemy because it seeks to block itself from the all-powerful whole of which it is an indivisible part. As Emily Cady writes, “All joy and strength and good spring up from a fountain within one’s own being, and if we only knew this truth, we should know that, because God in us is the fountain out of which springs all our good, nothing that anyone does or says or fails to do or say, can take away our joy and good.” We must deny fear any of the power that springs from our imagination because the imagination will create constructively or destructively. It will create one way as easily as the other. We must deny the intellect the right to create the barrier. We must recognize polarity is found everywhere and in everything, but understand polarity to be parts of the whole. We must become fully aware that polarity and duality are not the same. The first is a fact of existence and the latter a mutant perversion that exists only as a perception of the intellect.

The Kabbalists (Mystic Judaism) say that the spiritual and physical came from the same substance and affirm that the apparent duality is really only a mistaken view of the universe, that in reality there is absolute unity. “A barrier need not be physical, like a gate or fence”, to be effective, declares David Sheinkin, author of Path of the Kabbalah. Men and women die every day because of the barriers erected from their beliefs. The commonly held worldview I refer to as duality contributes most to the barriers. The concepts of good versus evil and God versus Satan could be overcome with awareness of only one power existing in the universe and the concept of separateness from God as a perversion. Even what we call the spiritual dimension and the material dimension cannot truly be understood as duality because they exist in the same place at the same time. They are a part of the whole.

Duality is a perception of man, created by man and is derived from man’s own mistaken concept of his Being. The concept itself remains his greatest enemy because this ignorance of his real nature keeps him thinking that he has been separated from God. The good news from Jesus and other great masters was that God dwells in man. God is at hand within, and all power is available to each of us with the awareness of this presence. God has never left us, and we have never separated ourselves from God because it is not possible. What we have done through the intellect is put on blinders. We have always been with God and will always be with God. We experience in the body for purposes that only the IAM Consciousness knows. It is this consciousness that directs us, and not the relative conscious we know as our ego or intellect. Only human intellect/ego, with its free will, can even conceive the concept of separation from God. Man is the only entity that can come up with this idea! This separation from the Light of God is only in the imagination of the heart where the negative intellect, combined with emotion, strives in a darkness of its own making.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabs Give People Hope

. Friday, October 26, 2012

by: Walker Wild

Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehab centers are full service drug rehab facilities designed to diagnose and treat the dual causes of drug addiction, including underlying mental illness. Drug addiction is often intertwined with a deeper emotional problem and Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabs can help.

The harsh reality of drug addiction combined with mental illness is that recovery becomes more challenging. Both issues must be addressed with equal parts of passion and aggression. With Dual Diagnosis, patients are offered the best possible chance of recovery because they are treated for both their addiction and any causal psychological disorders simultaneously. This revolutionary approach to addiction offers hope where none has been found in the past.

Sadly, people suffering from addiction face a high instance of relapse. Months of sobriety can be shattered in one day simply because of a hidden, causal mental illness. Drug addiction is often associated with the need to self-medicate for depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental concerns. When an individual is faced with the anguish of a psychological infirmity, it becomes very easy and very tempting to give into the intense desire to engage in drug use in an effort to numb the pain.

Proper drug rehabilitation and psychological treatment can offer a plan of attack for the addict, and a strong shoulder to lean on in moments of weakness. It's often difficult for friends and family members to understand the power of addiction. Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabs can help families build a secure support system that empowers the addict to make healthy choices both in terms of drug addiction and mental suffering.

A common issue drug addicts face is denial. It typically takes a breakthrough of self-revelation for an addict to admit that he or she has a problem. Unfortunately, a mental disorder like depression, bipolar disorder, etc. can make it more difficult for a person to achieve that ever important breakthrough. If an addict can't visualize their problems, recovery is not likely.

If you or someone you love is facing a drug addiction, consider Dual Diagnosis Drug Rehabs for treatment. Patients will not only get depression treatment, but they will also learn cognitive reasoning skills or attend a twelve step program of recovery and also learn to face their issues head-on. Dual Diagnosis Centers offer psychological treatment and drug rehabilitation under one roof, thereby tackling the issue of addiction at its core. With dual diagnosis, patients are offered the opportunity to break the chains of addiction once and for all.


Simple Ways To Improve Memory


by: Alexanes Leeny

Are you seeking ways to Improve Memory? The human mind is undoubtedly a wonderful tool but memory is a skill that can only be cultivated with some practice and a lot of patience. Anyone wanting to improve memory can learn memory sharpening skills and problem solving techniques with only a little effort.

No one actually has "bad" memory. The problem is that people unknowingly end up developing bad memory habits as early as infancy itself. Because of bad recall habits, people often face problems during examinations, interviews and other circumstances that require efficient memory.

Many people believe that they possess a poor capacity to remember facts, information and experiences in life. However, many ways and techniques, which can be applied at any age, aid in memory improvement. In fact, improving memory is just a method of modulating certain personal habits in order to practice skills that can help in strengthening recall power.

If you are also looking for ways you can improve your memory then the best way to start is by visiting the improvememoryhub.com. By visiting this website, you will be able to draw the maximum advantage of the free memory improvements articles, videos and resources. The website features interactive and skilled audio techniques that can help those suffering with problems of memory loss.

Who would not like to sharpen his/her cognitive function and improve their ability to retain information? Memory improvement techniques are endless and it is very important to effectively navigate through these techniques so that life becomes even easier thereby increasing brainpower.

All of us know that neither memory loss nor the ability to improve memory is dependent on age. Regardless of your age, you can successfully improve your memory. Below are a few ways that can help you to improve your memory.

Proper Diet and Sleep

It is very important to have a highly nutritious diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins. Following a proper diet and adequate sleep is also extremely important. Both these things help to optimize learning abilities and keep the body healthy. Diets rich in fruits and vegetables have been proven to improve brain activity.

Stay Organized

Staying organized helps in reducing stress and simplifying life. Staying clutter free will help you get rid of trivial matters. You will be able to channel your mental energy and focus on things that are more important. Staying organized will also increase your ability to retain more information.

Exercise Your Brain

In order to function at a high level, our brain needs adequate exercise. It is extremely important to keep the brain active and give it enough opportunities to grow. You can involve yourself in crossword puzzles, Sudoku and in playing strategy games such as chess or checkers.

Use Brain Foods

According to studies, certain food items help in improving memory. Some of these items are grapes, apples, blueberries, onions, whole-grain puffed rice, spinach, curry, orange juice, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, fish and caffeine.


Job Search and Qualifications, the Process


by: Peter Lee

If you are just starting a job search you may find that it does take some effort on your part. It is never easy to look for a new position even if you are currently employed. The job search process can be a grueling one especially if you are not prepared. Of course if you are a day laborer who is looking for manual labor on a day to day basis in a strong economy you can almost always find work if you are willing to work hard for a few hours or days. But if you are in the market for a permanent position that will pay your bills then you need to make a job of looking for that position.

If you have some qualifications then one thing you should do is to write them down. List exactly what are your strengths and weaknesses. Also it might help to list what you really enjoy doing and the things that you really hate to do. For example if you can’t stand to be indoors all day at a desk it probably won’t do you much good to seek that type of employment. Most employers or their human resources departments employ people who can read the applicant and they also ask probing questions that can give them some notice that the job might be a mismatch for you. The same is true if you are highly educated and are applying for an entry level position. The way you speak and carry and comport

yourself is easily spotted by someone experienced in interviewing applicants for jobs.

Once you write down all of your qualifications you will be able to actually talk about them in an interview situation. If you can’t write them down then you won’t be able to discuss them with anyone let alone someone interviewing you. After you have completed this step you can begin a job search. This might entail driving around the area looking for help wanted signs. It could mean going to a local job bank or looking in a local newspaper. If you are looking for a position you can also attend the local city council meeting and talk to the people who attend. They may have a lead or two as they generally are familiar with their city. Also attend local Chamber meetings as many business members attend them on a regular basis. At all of these you must be prepared to discuss what you are seeking and what your qualifications are for that position.

Another way that is growing is an internet job search. There are many websites dedicated to posting jobs. Some of them you have to join others are free for anyone searching for a position. Some of the websites are job type specific such as medical related positions or senior management elated or even for outdoor sales staff. Others are more general in nature and will have different categories of employment available. It is all a matter of going for it before you can get it.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 Days To A Better You

. Sunday, October 21, 2012

by: Jeanne Angel St.Cyr

How you see yourself in your mind is what you are going to manifest in your life. You will never rise higher than your own perceived expectations. How do see yourself? Are you a positive, outgoing individual? Or are you a quiet little mouse hiding in the corner afraid of the future?

You have control over your mind and emotions simply put you have the power already inside you to determine which path your life will follow. You can reprogram your mind through meditations, positive thoughts, saying or writing out positive affirmations. The word affirmations means to make true. What do you want to change in your life?

Make a list. Number your list in order of importance to you. Decide what one thing you want to work on. Only one goal or dream at a time, so as not to overload yourself. It has been said that it takes only 21 days to make or break a habit. You could be only 21 days from your greatest successes! How great would that be? You may feel that you have a long way to go, but look back at how far you've already come?

I quote from my book, “Inspirations”, page 36: “Don't stay locked away in a prison of remorse, of things done or not done, of choices made or not made. Let yourself be free and enjoy a brand new beginning!” And on the very next page, page 37, it says: “Now is the time. Do not delay. No more excuses, just start now!” And on page 49, I quote: “If you don't take action on your dreams and ideas, how can you expect to manifest success? You must take the 1st step, no one else can do it for you! Your never too old and it's never too late to start. Seize the moment, and take that 1st step!


Attract the Universe and Achieve Your Goals


by: Donny Pazzero

The Universal Law of Attraction can be a very effective tool in making you achieve your goals and practically everything else you want to have in this lifetime. You will realize that desire should always start from within, and the world will just obey your thoughts, actions and ideas. Here are some guidelines on how to get your objectives just the way you want.

Ask the Universe

According to the Universal Law of Attraction, ask the universe and it shall give to you. However, to achieve your goals, you have to truly have an idea about what kind of thing or event you want to happen in your life. There are plenty of items that you can ask from the world. The most common are superficial things such as money, a new car, a new house, etc. More meaningful items include better relationships with your family or wife, happiness in your job and life, etc. All of these can be given to you at the time you want and in the extent you need. To help you work out what you want find a personal development consultant who will help you identify this at a very low cost for you.

The Way You Ask

The way you ask the universe will also matter. Keep in mind that the universe will immediately hear and respond in the manner you believe in. Your first thought might go, 'I want a brand new Ferrari.' The world will then respond, 'Your wish is my command.' However, other thoughts can still enter such as, 'But it may still be when I'm in my 40's.' or 'But it will happen when I get the promotion.' or even 'It can't happen.' The world will just say yes to everything you inject in your thoughts.

The time, extent, severity and other details of your wish will be determined by your mind alone. If you have any doubt or disbelief about the power of the universe to provide, then it will truly give to you accordingly. Make sure you clean your thoughts thoroughly so that you set your goals straight and allow the universe to perform the best way.

Your Actions

Once you and your personal development consultant have set your goals and asked from the universe, your mind, thoughts and body will start acting automatically to lead towards the goals and objectives. You will subconsciously accomplish small tasks and open up a wide array of opportunities that are meant to direct you to the ultimate mark. Renew your goals each morning as you wake up and your body will just function immediately towards these.

Work both consciously and subconsciously. Remember that it also requires effort and discipline on your part to receive the best things in life. Do not expect everything to just fall into place. If you want to land that promotion, then you should start going to work early, volunteer for projects and show that you are prepared for bigger responsibilities.

Staying Positive

The Universal Law of Attraction helps you achieve your goals, as long as you remain positive. Always believe that the universe is capable of providing immediately. Anything can actually happen, in the time you have set. Always be optimistic in the face of adversary. It is not impossible that you will encounter a few problems along the way, but what's more important is how you relate to the situation in a positive light. Be conscious about what's happening and act to alleviate the effects. If every you need support with any of this then take advantage of the amazing benefits of having a personal development consultant.


Showcase Uniqueness in Different Ways


by: Robert Johnston

In this modern day, it is common for people to feel like they are just another face in a large crowd. Although today’s society now seems to appreciate diversity, one individual needs only to look around and realize this is not always the case. Some people or individual who are different are quite often singled out and gawked at for being different from the usual. For example, if you will take a walk through any pubic place or mall, you will notice that it is the individuals that do not usually fit a certain mold that are most noticeable. These differences should be celebrated.

Therefore, whether you are small or a tall person when it comes to your stature, those differences must always be embraced. As a group or a society, you are called upon to respect the differences of each other; each individual even if you are a man or a woman must be accepted for who you. It is your diversity that has made this world or country what it is today. So, all of you must learn to present your own individual personalities as often as possible. There are different methods that you can celebrate or show your uniqueness to all people around you like personalized or modified license plates, modified doormats and especially modified or custom stickers.

• Personalized license plates are usually available for purchase in the market. Every time you will consider owning one of these things, it is a must for you to always check with the proper authorities in your local area. These things usually cost more than the standard ones and by speaking or asking with the authorities, you will be able to tell if the purchase of your own set of sticker is prohibited or not. And since every one of these things must be unique, be sure to take your time to make a good license plate that is especially designed to you and your own taste.

• Aside from the license plates, personalized or modified door mats are also considered a good and very effective method of telling the world who you are. These things are usually available through thousands of mail orders and online retailer sites all over the world. And just like the license plates, the only limitations involved are your own imagination. For this reason, it is must for you to be creative every time you will design these materials for you. And because these things are usually placed on the front door of your home, you can also try designing it with the help of your family members.

• Last but not the least is the stickers that you can either use for your personal needs or for your business needs. These custom stickers such as the bumper stickers are created and printed based on your needs and specifications. And just like the door mats, the only limitation that you have is your own imagination. This sticker printing is a very useful tool that you can use to express your own opinion with other people and they are also great for all your marketing and promotional needs for your business. With a good sticker, you can be sure to showcase your business and the products r services you offer in the most attractive and creative manner.


Break Bad Habits Now With Affirmations


by: Amy twain

Affirmations can be really helpful to break bad habits if you are persistent about it.

In order for you to really break bad habits you must: a) be aware that the unconscious mind exists and b) learn how to manipulate its existence.

And affirmations are great and powerful techniques in which, if used effectively, could bring out and address directly to your unconscious being.

By uttering simple positive statements of the way you wish to live your life, then reiterating them out loud daily, you teach your unconscious thoughts in order to guide you to a better path to be reflected by your whole senses.

You can use:

1) Situational statements: one of a kind affirmations which provide a definite aim in your life. Some examples are:

a) "My heart and lungs are healthy."

b) "I am very happy to be earning $120, 000 per year."

2) Timeless affirmations. These are statements which can be made use at any point in your life.

a) "My body is healthy and strong."

b) "I am so happy in every aspect of my life"

In speaking these words over and over daily, they penetrate into our subconscious mind till it becomes our reality.

Moreover, the positive language of these "feel-good" affirming sentences blocks off negative thought processes, and in effect, fosters positive attitude.

To fortify this belief, each day, every morning, when you get ready for the day, you can try to spare at least 10 minutes of your time in uttering these affirmations out loud. Simply listen to your own voice as you speak these and try to be detached and unemotional as you can.

And lastly, it is very important that you must try to obstruct any negativity and concentrate 100% of your language and attention to the affirmations that you are saying out loud.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ways to Manage Stress

. Wednesday, October 17, 2012

by: Shena Fowler

Although stress is often viewed as a negative, it is actually a natural and normal physical response. A stress response is simply the body’s ability to defend and protect itself. This “fight-or-flight” reaction can help a person stay energetic, alert, and focused. These behaviors can be beneficial. A winning touchdown, successful board room presentation, or an A on a test can all be partially due to a healthy stress response. However, too much stress can become harmful and can cause extreme damage to a person - physically, mentally, and relationally.

Chronic stress is caused when the body is subjected to an overwhelming amount of physical and psychological threats. Since the body cannot differentiate between extreme or moderate stress triggers, it reacts with the same intensity, regardless of how major or minor the cause. This means that a bounced check or a long commute can be the catalyst for intense stress related symptoms (that may feel as intense as a real life-or-death crisis). Symptoms may include muscle tension, headache, fatigue, anxiety, changes in eating habits, mood swings, lack of enthusiasm, and/or an upset stomach.

Each person has a different tolerance level when it comes to calculating stress. It is important for each individual to understand his or her stress level threshold. Factors that influence stress tolerance include: one’s ability to deal with emotions, one’s preparedness for stress-inducing circumstances, one’s sense of control, one’s attitude, one’s support network, one’s physical health and nutritional status, one’s fitness level, and one’s sleep habits. These variables are what enable one person to maintain a sense of calm while another person feels completely overwhelmed.

Just as each person must evaluate the factors that cause stress, it is essential for individuals to consider the ways in which they react to stress, and whether or not their responses need to be altered. Some individuals react by freezing up and becoming extremely internally agitated. Some become very outwardly agitated and may become volatile. Others become withdrawn and show little to no emotion. Understanding personal stress triggers and individual reactions are key in moving forward and coping with stress.

Although stress can affect any individual, those with fast-paced and challenging work environments (such as medical professionals) are more likely to experience the symptoms and signs of stress. Strategies for managing stress (whether it’s work related or personal) include: avoiding unnecessary stress, changing one’s situation or environment, adapting to and accepting one’s environment, upping one’s fitness level, and scheduling time for personal leisure and relaxation. Taking control of one’s life and prioritizing what’s truly important (and worth stressing over) are integral methods of managing stress.

Are you a busy medical professional looking for a wide array of Medical Scrubs and Nurses Uniforms? Visit Scrubs123. Even simple work wardrobe preparation can help to reduce stress.


Ms. Susan Boyle: An Inspiring Story


by: Amy twain

By the time you read this, you probably heard of the inspiring life story of Susan Boyle. A 47-year old, unemployed, never been married (and never been kissed) woman from Scotland who elicited lots of praises and compliments not just from the three judges, but also from millions of people across the universe, thanks to Youtube.

Her inspiring story spread rapidly like wildfire and inspires others (especially underdogs and dark horses like her) to reach for your dreams no matter what. The Britain’s Got Talent contestant (by far the most popular these days), delivered a strong performance backed up with an even appropriate and inspirational song, “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables. I like watching that show, in the sense that Britain’s Got Talent is indeed about talent. It’s about talent through and through, despite your looks, and your age. And what I even like most about the inspiring story of Ms. Susan Boyle is that it’s as if she’s the epitome of dreaming and believing in your dreams—and not putting an age limit to your dreams and goals.

What makes this inspiring story so appealing to the masses, is the fact that we have a not-so-young dreamer dreaming to be a professional singer (wants to be as successful as Elaine Page at that!), when generally, dreaming is associated for the young and their promising future. But here, we have Susan Boyle to change the face of dreaming big and giving us her inspiring story.

Truly, she’s not just a living example, but also a living inspiration as well! I know of other singing competitions that imposed age limits on their contestants. It’s good that Britain’s Got Talent never limits their contestants for a certain age bracket only. Why this allure about second chances and underdogs and dark horses? And why not—it just goes to show that all of us, at some moments in our lives, can relate to being underdogs, since we experienced what it feels like being an underdog ourselves.

We want to inspired and strengthened after failure, rejection, and frustration. An inspiring story like Susan Boyle’s is just one strong validation and we felt justified that we can be like her. She’s also a real person (and not just any fictitious character) and she’s like one of us, living an ordinary life but who wants to have a better life.

So, how who can resist this inspiring story? As we live our day to day struggle in our lives, we all need some bits of inspiration to make us smile, enlightened, hopeful and optimistic for our future. And we don’t need pretty faces, toned muscles, almost-perfect hair that light up our TV screens to make us inspired.

On the contrary, it’s those flawed, ordinary-looking individuals which we can relate to that make us more humane and we can say, “If she can do it, I can too.” And I love that smiling aura of Ms. Boyle devoid of any arrogance or self-pity (unemployed, but still looking) when asked what she’s going to do onstage.

She said, “I’m gonna wow the audience”. And boy, she did more than just that—she even received a standing ovation not just from the crowd, but also from the two judges. Everybody’s got an inspiring story---what’s yours?


The Secrets of a 'been-there, executed-that' Success Junkie and what it has to do with you and YOUR success


 by: Amanda Martin

Dear Chronically Pissed off Entrepreneur,

If you've been going from guru to guru learning methods to be the 'next big thing'; When you've been downloading e-book after book trying to unravel the 'secret key to the Vault of Success'; Should you've been attending seminar after seminar and studying tons of books till you encounter Brainfreeze trying to decipher what makes profitable individuals successful ... ...

You are not alone!

I have been there before and I know how irritating it feels to spend countless sleepness nights making an attempt to be taught the trail to success from the truckloads of success gurus out there. I've attended numerous seminars, learn countless books on success and downloaded numerous ebooks that are now gathering digital dust on my hard drive. I understand how you are feeling right now.

You see my pal, success isn't just about arduous work. It is about working onerous and working smart.

At one point in time, I used to be also feeling really down within the dumps as it did not appear as if I used to be getting wherever nearer to the 'promised land' of the moolah. I used to be pretty much at my wit's end and was consistently pulling my hair out in persistent frustration.

Then I found the lacking link. I discovered that to change into successful, it's good to model a profitable person. The age-outdated adage that 'Success breeds Success' is absolutely true!

'Yah ... Huge deal ... I already knew that'

I can literally hear numerous you having that above thought going by means of your head whilst you are reading this.

Let me clarify what I mean. Many people, including myself in the past, thought that attending seminars and reading books on success is already modelling. But most individuals do not realise which you can't effectively model a profitable individual just by attending his seminars or reading his books! The only effective, time-examined and confirmed way to mannequin a profitable person is to observe him around as he conducts his day-to-day dealings and have constant, thorough entry to his time, steerage and knowledge.

Sounds easy enough right? But there's just one tiny little catch ...

Most successful people charge the sky for his or her time, coaching and guidance. And even then, it's possible you'll not get dedicated time and access to them! The high price of this teaching and guidance is often enough to make most people reconsider the investment within the guru's time.

I suppose I used to be a bit of luckier on this aspect. On account of my enterprise dealings and my sincere desire to learn from the most effective, I was in a position to community with and be directly mentored by two businessmen who are already successful in their own right.

One was a very enterprising younger businessman who arrange an organization proper from scratch in Sunny Singapore. In lower than 5 years, this firm grossed more than USD 60 million in gross sales and was in a position to expand to more than 10 international locations across the Asia Pacific region. He plans to checklist his firm on the Singapore Stock Trade in 2007 and he even has his sights set on the New York Inventory Trade in 2010. He has been honoured in numerous countries for his contribution to the business climate and folks of these countries.

My second mentor comes from a wholly different background. At present in his mid-40s, he was already comfortably retired because of his astute business acumen and succesful company skills. He hails from the Banking industry and on the very young age of 29, he was already the CEO of an American Bank. In his company profession till date, he has introduced no less than 36 companies to a Public Listing on numerous Inventory Exchanges throughout the world. Evidently, he was already a multi-millionaire by the point he was in his late 30s.

Being able to be instantly mentored and guided by these two successful businessmen has opened my eyes to the tightly-guarded world of extremely-profitable businessmen. I used to be able to find out how they think, strategize and react to various enterprise situations ... I was in a position to observe them as they went about closing business deals with ease. I was literally capable of tap into their sensible minds to be taught the coveted matter of success. Even better, by my mentors, I was capable of meet and study from other extremely-successful millionaires.

My conclusion?

Nothing beats being able to learn in actual-time and in the actual world from extremely-profitable people. I lastly understood the immense benefits Napolean Hill (creator of the timeless success traditional Suppose and Develop Wealthy) had when he interviewed 504 profitable people.

From all of the information I've been fortunate sufficient to assemble and learn from my mentors and their enterprise companions, I've distilled every little thing into bite-sized chunks of information and knowledge. I've taken pains to put together all these information right into a easy, clear and concise format that everybody will have the ability to understand. Better of all, where doable, I additionally embody motion steps that one can take to propel him to the next degree of success.

'However Terence? Why are you doing all these? Is there a catch to it? Is all these data free of charge?'

For thoses of you who could also be questioning why I'm taking the hassle to compile all these data, my reply is simple. I was lucky enough to be able to study from extremely-successful people. And all these knowledge was gained with out me investing a single dollar. My mentors simply charge 1000's of dollars per hour for his or her business consultation. I can not however stress the worth of all the information they've shared with me. I know of many out there who wish to discover ways to be extra profitable however might not have the monetary means to attend seminars or spend money on self-enchancment books. I need to make what I time period as Success Data accessible to anyone and everybody who needs to make a distinction in their lives. I need everybody to have the ability to use this knowledge to prosper and achieve their dreams. Name me idealistic however I believe the extra people change into profitable, the better the world we dwell in will become.

And yes, all these information will be made available for


After studying what I might be posting within the coming days and weeks, some folks will cry foul at why I'm making out there such jealously-guarded, ground-breaking and cash-making data for free. Armed with such powerful information, you will start attracting wealth like a ten ton magnet!

Do not ask me to put a worth to this data I am about to share with you. There isn't a worth to success ... And no, I do not intend to cost anything for this knowledge. I imagine in making the world a better place and these articles are my contribution in the direction of this cause.

It's my sincerest want that everyone who reads my articles take no matter information I am about to offer and go forth to prosper. Whether or not you are looking to succeed in the Company world, in your own business or in numerous other industries, it doesn't matter. This knowledge will provide you with an additional edge over the competition.

When you discover what I have to share beneficial and useful, all I ask is that you simply drop me an e-mail or comment to let me know. I would be most grateful. And if you understand of a good friend who can benefit from all these data, do refer them to my articles and I might be most honoured.

So sit again, loosen up and enjoy the journey ...

Success isn't simply in regards to the vacation spot ... It is the journey as well.

Carpe Diem ... Seize the day!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Learning To Improve Your Memory Information

. Monday, October 15, 2012

by: Timothy Romano

Have you experienced the embarrassment of forgetting a family member's birthday or an important assignment? Are you in school and are finding it toilsome to study successfully for exams and tests? It's not just you! Thousands and thousands of individuals out there have the same challenge, and it doesn't just affect senior citizens. In school, they never teach you improve your memory information, or the time-tested strategies for successful memorization.

Your brain is a very able piece of machinery. The organ collects data and thoughts, and then categorizes and stores them. For the information in the brain to be used beneficially, it must be available for quick retrieval. One such case of quick recall would be answering a question like, "how old are you," or "what is your address?" How many of you have searched high and low for a pair of eyeglasses, and found them right on your head? Maybe you have forgotten something more important like a project at work, or a homework assignment. The good news is that you don't have to keep worrying about your memory. Regardless of age or ability, there are lots of things you can do to exercise, and improve the performance of your memory.

Sometimes the best "improve your memory information" can be found by asking someone who's got a lot of experience under her belt. My grandmother used to tell me about an old trick to help remind myself of something I had to remember. The technique is to tie a piece of yarn on your finger, or put some tape on your hand to serve as a reminder that you had to remember to do something. Since the string or tape is out of the ordinary, it will help you remember what you were supposed to do. You could tie a string on your thumb, wear your watch upside down, or even set an alarm on your mobile phone. The secret is to mix up your normal environment just enough to tune you in to the fact that something is wrong and you have something to remember.

You can also try creating a picture to help improve the effectiveness of your memory. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a scene in your mind of what you are trying to remember. In my language learning hobby, I have found this technique very effective in learning new vocabulary. This is how it works. "Potato," in the German language, is pronounced cart-awfol, which is in no way like to the word potato in English. Try to form the following image in your mind. You're shopping for groceries at a store in Berlin and see a gigantic cart of rotten potatoes. Your buddy exclaims, "That is a cart of awful potatoes!" Implant the image in your mind and think about how bad that smells. I'll bet that you'll remember the German word! If your image is wild and imaginative, even a little dirty, you are much more likely to remember your vocabulary word. It works, believe it! This is a system I have employed over many hundreds of words in several languages. Try it! You can use this helpful trick to remember far more things than German vocabulary!

These are just a few ways you can supercharge your brain. The improve your memory information that I've shown you here is easy enough that you can start practicing right away! In no time, your memory will be much improved, thanks to the new techniques you've learned and practiced.


Take the Box off Your Head


by: Margaret R

When I began my journey towards the understanding of Third Q, my life was not worth much. My expectations and my achievements were severely limited. My thinking was boxed in, and I suspect that yours is, too.

My comfortable existence in some ways reflects the way many of us live our lives. We feel safe in our own little worlds. We are afraid of stepping outside our boundaries. Even though an amazing world of joy and success awaits us on the other side, we are often unwilling to break free of our self-created boundaries.

It's as if each of us lives our life in a box. However, none of our boxes are the same. Some are larger, some are smaller; some have thicker walls, and some have thinner walls. And interestingly, it seems that people with the most wants, needs, and desires tend to live in tiny boxes that tend not to grow through the years. But limitations are not reserved for those who are poor or unhappy. Even millionaires live in a box. Theirs may be larger, but their boxes are no less limiting. In fact, Max, my mentor, told me once that the same mind it took for him to become a millionaire was not the same one that he needed to become a billionaire. He needed to break out of his millionaire box.

This discussion of mental boxes is more than just a metaphor. The constraints we create in our heads are as real as the walls of a cardboard box; not only do they keep us contained, but they also keep us from seeing what's outside. Fortunately, unlike a cardboard box, the walls we create in our minds are flexible. And as a consequence the more knowledge and openness we bring into our box, the more we can expand the box and thin its walls. Truly enlightened people have large boxes with ultra-thin walls like a balloon, and some, like the Dalai Lama, actually shatter the boundaries of their boxes. Once you realize this truth, you can endeavor to gain the skills necessary to grow your box and, in turn, expand your reality.

As an exercise, cover your head with a box. Leave it there for at least five minutes. Think about the limits of your experience inside the box. What can you see? What are you missing?

Now, take the box from your head. What do you experience? A sense of freedom? Joy? An appreciation of the world around you?

Close your eyes and reflect on your thoughts. Do you find that certain factors are limiting those thoughts? Try to fill your mind with thoughts that are free of the bias of others, thoughts that serve you, thoughts that empower you, thoughts that expand your

To know more about Personal Development visit: thethirdq.com


Friday, October 12, 2012

Authenticity - Why people arent themselves and what that costs them

. Friday, October 12, 2012

 by: Bella Enahoro

Why should you be yourself? The simple answer is 'because everyone else is taken' - it's both the simple answer and an accurate answer. The important question is 'why are we not ourselves?' What is the pay off for not being ourselves? Ahhh, now we're talking.

To begin with, what would cause us to not want to be ourselves? For some of us, we may have been raised in environments where it was dangerous to be who we are. Even as adults we may be working in environments that demand that we be other than who we are in order to ensure job security. So we conclude, I have to be other than I am to get what I want i.e. love, safety, income etc.

We may have learned to believe 'who I am is not good enough to be loved, guaranteed safety, approved of'. We may have been told 'who you are is not worth treating well'. We may have learned 'who you are is not good enough to meet my standards for 'being good enough'. We may become convinced that we are less than we should be.

When we feel not good enough what happens to our lives? We end up putting things on hold until we feel we 'deserve' by becoming good enough. We spend so much time striving to feel that we're good enough. Have I accomplished enough, am I good looking enough, is my car big/fast/exclusive enough, is my job title high enough, do I have enough awards to be good enough? Exhausting isn't it?

Self worth and authenticity are intrinsically linked. The worth we have in our own eyes, a sense of worth not built on acquisition, job title, appearance, credentials - is the only worth, worth living out of. How many of us realise that we have an intrinsic worth greater than anything on the outside? If we go through life with a sense of being deficient then we are motivated to acquire value - the things that others value in the world then become our aim in life. I may not be good enough in and of myself but look what I've got, becomes our calling card.

Sooner or later, things fall apart, if we're lucky. It can take many forms e.g we can lose everything we spent our whole lives accruing or we meet someone or a situation who places no value on our 'social bling'. We run helter skelter trying to get them to 'see' us as our bling or we go somewhere else. But there's a crack in the tea cup. When it finally breaks open, our break down becomes our breakthrough.

We begin to look for another way. What we've been looking for is a way to feel good about who we are, under all circumstance. We don't always realise it at first since there's much howling in pain and hanging onto fast disappearing 'bling'.

The breakthrough cracks us wide open and everything we've been taught is 'wrong' with us, all the things we've been taught make us 'not good enough' stare us in the face. Excruciating at first but if we stay, refuse to take flight, we can transform. Now begins the re-acquainting ourselves with the 'real' us, all of it.

There are many transformation technologies from journaling, meditation, prayer, walking, body work, sound, vibrational healing. We tend to gravitate towards one that works for us. Soon the pain subsides, loses its edge. We don't feel so raw. Our lives may be in shambles around us but we can stand to be alive and increasingly we can stand to be ourselves. We live in a time of infinite help with wonderful teachers who can assist us in moving out of our debris; emotional, psychological and spiritual.

Not being who we are, may be something we picked up at our beginning but was never a part of our being and we need not continue with it.

November's LiveWell Audio features Sarah Ban Breathnach who guides the listener on a journey to reclaim our authentic selves and the beauty of the life we can create from our 'real' selves.


Law of Attraction - Five Ingredients For The Best Wealth Affirmation


by: Suzanne Glover

When using the Law of Attraction, the best wealth affirmation you can give yourself is something much different from the average wealth quotes and affirmations. What you want to do is start building the foundation for wealth from a different angle. This article talks about an uncommon way to wealth using an uncommon approach to creating a wealth affirmation.

First, let's talk about the average "wealth affirmation." What comes to mind when you're thinking of wealth and building the foundation for wealth using the Law of Attraction?

The first thing that usually comes to mind is to have the feeling of "rolling in dough" and being able to buy anything "your little heart desires." A wealth affirmation in line with this frame of mind would be something like, "I love my new Jaguar" and to put up a picture of that vehicle on your vision board.

While this external approach has been known to work, it is rather difficult to sustain long enough to get the desired object, in this case, the Jaguar, because it's "single-faceted and superficial," rather than "multi-faceted and deeply driven."

When you want to invoke the Law of Attraction in manifesting wealth, you'll want to be sure you have a wealth affirmation that comes from different angles and does five things:

1. Finds True Desire

2. Motivates

3. Gives Permission

4. Initiates Energy

5. Removes Blocks to Receiving

FINDS TRUE DESIRE. When building the foundation for wealth and creating your wealth affirmation, a key point is to identify the root emotion behind wanting something. In other words, in learning how to manifest what you want, you first have to really "find out exactly what you want on an emotional level." For example, if you want a luxury car, ask yourself if you want it for "ego purposes," or for "luxury because you deserve it" purposes. No matter what the reason, once you identify the true emotion behind getting the material object, you have the emotional charge to invoke the Law of Attraction and discover the secret of wealth.

MOTIVATES. Hope motivates you to action, so you want to create a wealth affirmation that gives you hope. Once your mind feels hopeful and motivated, your mind will also figure out how to attract wealth.

GIVES PERMISSION. A good wealth affirmation also gives you permission to feel "allowed to receive." My wealth plan always includes a lot of money affirmations and wealth quotes that make me feel deserving and receptive.

INITIATES PHYSICAL ENERGY. Another good ingredient when doing wealth affirmations is giving yourself better health to fulfill the tasks that you've become motivated to do once you have hope and permission.

REMOVES BLOCKS TO RECEIVING. Lastly, a crucial part of learning how to attract wealth and building the foundation for wealth is to release deeply held, yet negative, beliefs about having money and material things. While this may sound like an uncommon way to wealth, this actually opens the door wide open to allow you to receive money and wealth. The best way to do this, although also uncommon, is to re-program your subconscious thoughts around money by using subliminal audios that specifically help you remove blocks to receiving money and wealth.

Writing wealth affirmations and building the foundation for wealth is multi-faceted because when you find your true desires, give yourself hope, permission and energy, you'll have the motivation to make things happen. Once you have subliminally removed blocks to receiving what you want, you've "blasted the door wide open" to allowing the Law of Attraction to respond to your wishes.

While this sounds like an uncommon way to wealth, it is the best way to create a multi-faceted, emotionally driven wealth affirmation that invokes the Law of Attraction and helps you discover the secret of wealth because you've tapped into the real reason, motivation and ability to obtain it by finding true desire and removing blocks to getting what you want.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Koan Meditation

. Tuesday, October 9, 2012

 by: Sandra Markcrow

A Koan is a question or a puzzle given to a meditator to contemplate during a meditation session. The object is to think long and hard about the question and try to solve the puzzle. It does not matter whether you are right or wrong in your conclusions, only that you have tried to solve the puzzle in depth. Even if you believe you have the right answer to the puzzle, you need to continue contemplating it from all angles not previously considered. Koan Meditation is an exercise in just being.

Contemplating Koans is said to lead the practitioner to Enlightenment or a state of being fully aware. Meditating on a Koan focuses the mind on one single task. During the meditation, you are expected to ask yourself many questions related to the Koan in attempting to solve the puzzle. The Koan itself is just a tool used to understand the true nature of yourself and all that is.

Examples of puzzles you can ponder on are as follows

1. What did you look like before you were conceived?

2. When clapping with two hands, a sound is made. What is the sound of one hand clapping?

3. How can the eyes see themselves without using a mirror?

4. If a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody there to see it fall. Does it make a sound?

5. Does the mind create all things?

6. Without speaking, without words. How can the truth be expressed?

7. What came first, the chicken or the egg?

8. Show me the source of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water?

9. Is half a cup of water, half empty or half full?

10. Does a dog have Buddha nature?

Koans can also be short stories or parables to contemplate. They are not rational questions with rational answers. They are used as catalyst to understand the nature of reality and the self. They are impossible puzzles that can’t be solved but the journey we take when pondering them leads to great understanding and knowledge in a very profound way.

A Koan is designed to make the mind and ego very unhappy through the frustrating and deep contemplative path we follow in attempting to solve the puzzle. Koans make the brain back flip and leads the practitioner to a place beyond the mind and ego. Upon reaching this point in the meditation, one experiences enlightenment.

To prepare for a Koan Meditation you need to sit comfortably either cross legged on the floor or in a chair. Close your eyes and take three long deep breathes to relax. Follow your respirations with your mind until you reach a point of calmness, effortless breathing and relaxation. Then bring the Koan into focus and contemplate the puzzle from as many angles as you possibly can. If you think you have the correct answer, contemplate it some more. Your objective is to exhaust the mind and your ego of all possibilities until you reach the point of blissful silence. Then you may indeed attain enlightenment.


Luxury Addiction Recovery


by: Luxury Addiction Recovery

Exactly what Sets A Luxury Rehab Apart?

What makes a luxury rehab distinct from other services and truly sets it apart? The therapy you may obtain, the luxury and elegance that you will enjoy, and also the individual services that other rehabs do not give. With several luxury rehab selections the distinction begins once you initial arrive. Pulling up to a luxury rehab facility could be like arriving at a nice elegant property or mansion, with beautiful grounds and a residential facility that appears stately and elegant. This continues as you enter the luxury rehab facility. Sophisticated decorations and exquisite furnishings and equipment let you realize you might be inside a place in which top quality is appreciated.

Meals and foods alternatives at a luxury rehab will frequently contain gourmet dining experiences, and meals that are each very healthy and really scrumptious and fulfilling at the same time. A nutritionist might be provided at a luxury rehab to assist you plan your meals and dietary needs, and to learn what your meals preferences are. This phase is crucial to recover the bodily damage that addiction has induced, and to assist you obtain again into the top achievable bodily form. Treatment is typically received in private rooms or therapy locations which comply with the luxury rehab concept, and therefore are upscale and quite comfy even though becoming efficient.

What truly sets a luxury rehab apart may be the remedy outcomes though. With these facilities the danger of leaving treatment early because of stress or crowded circumstances are eradicated, so you might have a better opportunity of finishing your therapy system and reaching a effective long term recovery. Luxury rehab programs that give one on one counseling for a number of hours every full week happen to be demonstrated to become the most successful at working via and resolving the concealed wounds which could result in drug and alcohol use, at the same time as other sorts of addictions.

If you have a difficulty and so are seeking luxury rehab there are many amenities to select from, however it is critical to remember that they are not all the identical and every 1 may have variations. You need to take a look at every single possible facility carefully prior to you generate a final selection, to ensure that the luxury rehab you have chosen actually may be the appropriate 1 for you and your situations. These facilities consider the sensation of deprivation and punishment out of one's therapy program, which means you obtain the enable you to want and will need inside a setting that is comfy and does not add to your ranges of tension or interfere along with your recovery.


Use These Effective Time Management Strategies


by: Merrie C. Weeks

If you desire to have good time management then you need to have a strategy or an action plan. Following these strategies will help you get the most out of your days.

First thing to do is Prioritize your work.

Start each day by ranking the things that you much do. Starting with the most important and unpleasant tasks first, then go from there. Those things that can wait for later that day should be listed towards the bottom of your list. Don't make your list too long because there are only so many hours in a day and you don't want to feel like you will never get it all accomplished.

Second thing is to Assign Work Time Frame for each task.

At first this might not seem realistic but it is mostly so that you will have some sort of idea how long it will take to finish each task. You will find that once you start a task, it won't really take very long unless it is a big project. If so, then break it down so that you can see some progress.

Third Be Flexible.

Unexpected things come up from time to time so if you have to stop to take care of some other matter, do not worry and stress out if you don't accomplished a certain task in the time frame you set. Just like the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day" so make sure you allow for those time when things come up. Don't let these things such as phone calls, important emails,kids and life in general frustrate you, the important thing to remember is that you are making

progress on your list.

Fourth thing is to Say No if it isn't important.

Whether you work from home or out of the home there are things that can distract us and waste time. Limit small talk with co-workers, family, friends, etc. while you are working. Respect your decision to make a plan and stick to it. Others will need to understand that if it isn't something that needs to be taken care of right this minute then it can wait.

Fifth is to Delegate.

Remember that you probably can't do everything yourself so if there is a task that you might not be very good at or like doing and there is someone that can do the task then by all means pass it on. In this way the task will get done and you won't waste time putting it off because you can't accomplish it yourself.

Compromise when necessary.

As your day progresses the urgency of a task may also change. There may be times when your tasks will need to be re-prioritized, rescheduled, postponed or dropped altogether, making adjustments

if things come up that needs your attention is important.

Everyone has limitations and if you realize what those are then you will know what you can work on later to improve those skills or know in advance what tasks you will need help with.

Learning to manage your time is not to stress your day so remember to relax and learn as you go. The more you practice managing your time, the better you will get at it. Time management is so that you will take control of your days and see how much you really can accomplish each day and then enjoy some time with family and friends. This is your only viable option no matter where you are working, this is the only way to accomplish anything worthwhile.


Book on the Law of Attraction and Coaching


by: Joshua Jenkins

There are a growing number of resources and information on this topic, so the question is, what is the best book on the Law of Attraction? The answer to this is pretty easy… obviously the best book on the Law of Attraction is “The Secret” (haha). Okay, so you have probably already read the secret, so where to go from here?

Many people have already read The Secret and still find their lives in a slump. Could The Secret really be complete if so many people have read it but still find themselves repeating their old and boring lives, unable to attract the wealth and positive lifestyle that they have always wanted? Maybe you are finding yourself in these shoes? Not to worry, there is always another step along this long and unpredictable journey here on Planet Earth that we all call “Life”.

I think the best way to attract success and positive help from the universe is to be consistent and honest. We need to follow our intuitions, but also not get caught up in our emotions either. Sometimes something will excite us, and that is exactly when we need to use our intuition to guide us to the right decisions and to the right knowledge.

Consistency paints a clear picture for the universe about what you really want. It sends a clear message to the power that is out there, so that the Universe knows exactly what to send back your way. Often, this all comes down to our thinking process and daily mental patterns. So what better way to fill our minds with the right perspective than to read a book on the Law of Attraction?

So maybe reading The Secret again for the 3rd time doesn’t sound like it will help, in fact it might make you feel more discouraged, as if you are repeating something in your past. How about moving forward with some fresh info? I found this site by a man named Bob Proctor (sound familiar?). If you are looking for a new and fresh book on the law of attraction, then definitely read over his site called The 11 Forgotten Laws.

You never know what might be under that next stone just waiting to be overturned. I hope you enjoy Bob’s new project, and I hope it gives you that boost you are looking for. Remember to always be calm, be patient, and be sensitive to where you feel your intuition is guiding you. Knowledge is power, and the ultimate power is the Universe itself. Good luck!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

My 5 Proven Self Improvement Steps on How to "Live Your DREAM Life!"

. Saturday, October 6, 2012

 by: Amie Erickson

Before I get into this, it's important that you simply perceive what self help, personal development and self improvement, actually mean? In a nut shell, it's exactly what it says on the tin, anything to try and do with improving or developing yourself. As an example, career, relationships, health, psychology, etc.. Self facilitate is largely any type of information, or tools that facilitate your, to help yourself.

I've got a fast query for you...

Has there ever been a time in your life where you couldn't sit up for tomorrow to come? or maybe didn't want to travel to sleep as a result of you was having such a great time? You need to have felt like that a minimum of once in your life, right? I bet you even have a huge smile on your face simply remembering those 'smart times'...

But here's the thing, why can't each second of every single day be like that, for you, me - ALL OF US?...

Well truly, it will! However in fact, FIRST, you would like to know how that's done. However let me tell you something, it's a lot of easier than you would possibly think...

Do you believe this is attainable?...

Perhaps you think that I'm a dreamer, if you are doing, that's cool! However what if I told you that this situation is strictly what my life is like. Furthermore, what if I told you that my life 'ought to' be a 'misery', according to some individuals?...

Well, that's the fact of it. You see, I have a condition referred to as Multiple Sclerosis(MS), that typically leads to complete debilitation. One amongst the many symptoms are stress and depression. So how then am I ready to measure my DREAM Life!? Well, the answer is simple...

With good self improvement strategies!

I urge you to affix me and make this your reality too. Everybody deserves to live a unprecedented life, and now, with these simple ways, EVERYBODY can.

If you are at all inquisitive about self improvement or personal development, it's important to urge '1st things FIRST'. In alternative words, start from the bottom up. Image this, imagine I gave you a recipe to create a cake, you wouldn't begin from step five, would you? Self improvement is no different...

Therefore, let's do things properly and begin from the all necessary first step!...

STEP ONE is the most vital step of all, and it plays the largest part in what we have a tendency to all crave in life - Happiness! Step one isn't solely the most necessary step, however also the most difficult. This is often the stage were you build your life's foundational values, but not just any old values, they have to be ROCK SOLID values.

STEP TWO helps to suit the items to your self improvement puzzle. Basically, you've got to 'recognize', or have a theory, about what the that means of life is. 'Knowing' this, will facilitate your to shape your life. My theory on what life means, is this - "Life is a never ending, 'roller coaster' journey of CHOICES and EMOTIONS". Ultimately, everybody desires to be happy. Onto step three...

STEP THREE, is to search out, or perceive, what YOUR purpose in life is. Place another method, "what were you place on this planet to do?" Do not worry, this is not as tough or mysterious because it could sound, we all have the right 'tool' for doing this - Our EMOTIONS. Yes, it is true, your emotions will be your ally or worst enemy, and typically at the identical time! Thus ask yourself, "What's it that I really love doing?". Currently take that a step more and raise yourself, "What FEATURES does my passion have that I really like?".

STEP FOUR involves really constructing your DREAM Life. This bit will stretch your self improvement prowess to the limit, but don't worry, this is very a lot of doable. This step relies on the options you identified in step 3 and one in all the foremost powerful personal development tools around - GOAL SETTING! Try this for each of the different departments of your life. As an example, Health, Wealth, Relationships, etc. All of this comes along and forms your terribly own, personal development plan. And now for the extremely exciting bit...

- Live the life you have designed in your personal development plan. In alternative words, live your DREAM Life!

Naturally, there's a bit a lot of to it than that, but hopefully you get the general gist of self improvement, and what is required to measure your DREAM Life!

It takes simply 1 second to choose to vary your life, so what are you going to come to a decision to do in the subsequent few seconds? It's over to you. If you had simply 30 days left to measure, what would you are doing? No matter you do.


Seven Self Improvement Tips That Will Make A Difference


by: Amie Erickson

For people who are through it, they can tell you that self improvement is a journey. It all depends on where one is starting from. The most necessary thing but is getting that first step out of the way.

Self improvement comes with the fulfillment that comes from understanding oneself. It is through this understanding that you get to grasp your house within the universe and your role here. You can understand that not everything has got to be a struggle; you can achieve success, made and happy and fulfil your mission.

As I have studied self improvement over the years, I've got picked out 7 self improvement tips that are a should for you to implement so that you'll see yourself started on the journey of private growth. I'm going to share them with you in this article.

Daily Journaling

Have you ever ever puzzled how come back the globe these days is aware of thus a lot of regarding past great achievers? True, individuals took day trip to check them, but a heap of the stories and details that we have a tendency to know regarding them could only have return from themselves. They are a translation of their thoughts on to paper. They kept journals and recorded their observations and their feelings. For you, a journal is more than a map of your journey. It helps to clarify thought, to think additional clearly and to truly see where your thinking could not be thus good. You then need to improve. Once you record one thing it becomes additional than a fleeting thought. Tomorrow, you may look back and see how you felt, and you'll compare with how you are feeling or suppose these days and you'll be able to go ahead and create adjustments.


This is often the one that's most unconsidered by most people, but it conjointly happens to be the foremost important of the 7 self improvement tips. Meditation is the most effective and handiest manner of reducing stress and clearing out your system. You dispose of junk thoughts and better of all, you leave area in there for clean, clear thinking. It additionally has direct health advantages; you'll weigh down your heart beat and improve digestion simply by meditating for a few minutes every day. You will sleep higher and heal faster. Essentially, mediation is that the pillar of the seven self improvement tips - it is the one that produces all the others effective.

Expecting to Win

Of the seven self improvement tips, this one is the hardest to clarify because some folks just do not seem to listen to it. You wish to vary your thinking therefore that you tune yourself to expecting positive results. What's success alternative than what you're thinking that regarding? How will you get rich and be happy if every outcome you expect is negative? Some people are quick to argue now, however what they don't understand is that along with their positive thoughts are a ton of negative thoughts that have an effect on outcomes.

Expectations aren't regarding outcomes. They're concerning bold, right action and knowing that the results will be in your favour no matter what they can be.

Writing Goals and Plans of Action

A written goal is sort of a map. Let me challenge you right currently to jot down down a tiny goal, one thing that is inconsequential and to who's outcome you are not attached and stick it where you'll be able to see it every day. The instant you see your goal, you see plans of action concerning it start to form. You discover yourself spurred into action to try and do the proper thing. Return after thirty days and see how far along your written goal you've come. Did it facilitate to write down it?

I can challenge you that every time you are feeling in a very rut and like things are not working out for you, pull out your goal book and begin by ticking off how many of the last heap you have got achieved and then adding on new ones. You always come out with a clearer mind.

Be well Rounded

All areas of your life contribute to your self improvement. Your relationships, your health, your finances, will all affect any kind of private growth you are attempting to attain if they're out of balance. Simply one in all them going dangerous can lead to any or all of them going bad. As you seek to begin on personal development, work on all areas. - work on maintaining physical stamina, emotional fortitude, financial security and a smart social support system to realize personal growth.

Positive Affirmations

This has the power to vary your inner dialogue, and it is a powerful tool considering that much of the discontent in our lives is caused by inner dialogue. What does one advice yourself? Start to write down down an affirmation daily on all key areas of your life and rehearse it aloud twice daily. You are teaching you subconscious positive dialogue.

Teach to Learn

Of the 7 self improvement tips, this one is the one that will help you master self improvement the most. You learn one thing better after you teach it. As you teach, your inner mind opens therefore that you'll be in a position to digest and transmit information. Whatever you were trying to teach will be sitting there in your mind forever. Teaching is also a manner of holding yourself accountable - there are specific standards expected of academics so that students will follow in their steps. If you've got no one to teach, write!


A way to Get Better Results From Your Self Improvement Efforts


by: Amie Erickson

Reading a book is additionally self improvement and private development or to be more precise, reading the book alone is not very self improvement, however reading the book, and applying what you learn is. To illustrate my point lets talk concerning one thing very generic, if you browse a book on lets say programming a webpage, it will perhaps help you perceive how the programmer makes the net-pages, but the particular page you would like to make, can not exist before you start programming it.

And equally the development of yourself will not occur just from reading a lot of books, but by applying what you learn in those books it will!

A massive variety of folks browse a ton of self improvement books, or even I should say a lot of beginnings of self improvement books, however not that several actually finish the books, and even fewer start applying the concepts or exercises they are presented with in the books. Whereas they'll like the book and the suggestions in it, most folks have a brief attention span, and before they get around to applying the new information, their eyes gets caught by another nice book, or one thing entirely totally different, and that they quickly move on while not getting any extremely life altering edges from it.

The secret behind good self improvement and personal development is that when you discover something you think might benefit you, you look additional into the topic, either by buying and reading a book regarding it, or finding data on the topic elsewhere, and at last applying the data in your own life and thereby making the enhancements you desire.

Remember it's continually smart to learn new things from reading a sensible book on the topic, but the knowledge has got to be put to smart use if you really wish to learn from it.

Even Faster Self Improvement Is Doable

If you have got interest in speeding up your self improvement even any, maybe you must consider looking into self hypnosis or meditation. Meditation is good for the soul and helps making an inner calm, while self hypnosis could be a very useful tool for implementing changes in your behaviour.

So as to urge any advantages from either of these methods you will have to be consistent in using and or applying them in your life. Regular use of meditation or self hypnosis will strengthen what ever have gone before it so to speak. Really it's like with each new thing, in the start it's not so straightforward, and it takes some effort both to apply it, and to remain with the programme, however once a whereas, it more or less becomes automatic or second nature to you, and that's when you may start to really notice the benefits.

If you are interested in learning meditation I'd suggest you seek for a private teacher, as you'll be enjoying around with the powers of your own psyche and as you immerse deeper into the techniques you may be stirring up recent emotions that can be difficult to tackle on your own.

A trained meditation teacher can bear in mind that this stuff happen beforehand, and is equipped to handle the emotions and make a case for to you the way to deal with them.

On the other hand if you want to learn self hypnosis for self improvement you could simply make sensible progress from the home study course I suggest at my website. Truly self improvement by self hypnosis may be a very powerful tool, and if you have got access to 1, I suggest you put it to smart use, remember though, shopping for, and reading the material isn't enough, you want to apply the knowledge too.


Positive Thinking And Its Effect On Your Health


by: Greg Riley

The first situation to consider is the relationship between thoughts and conditions like depression and stress. A crucial question is whether the person's thoughts are creating the physical depression or the physical depression is creating the negative thinking. When it comes to how you can use your mind to help, this can be accomplished consciously and subconsciously. When someone has a habit of imagining things turning out very badly, rational thinking can show show them that they often exaggerate. However, the unconscious mind is much more powerful in shaping our habitual behavior, oftentimes beyond our conscious control. Visualization and hypnosis can be very effective in modifying beliefs and, if you do this, the long-lasting effects can be more powerful than using logic only.

It is likewise true that positive thinking can have an impact on our physical health, and you may be aware of the placebo effect on people who feel ill. This is when individuals are given a pill which in reality does not have any healing value, and yet they claim to notice an improvement in how they feel. This is evidence of the connection between mind and body, and there are many examples of men and women with a positive outlook being able to recover faster from malady and injury. You can also use the power of your mind to help you in achieving your fitness goals. A historic example of this is when the four minute barrier for running the mile was broken, which had been considered as unachievable up to that point. Once the "barrier" had been broken, other runners also began to break through what had really been a barrier of belief.

The effects of aging are likewise influenced by how we think about the process. As you get older, do you talk to your friends about your "aches and pains" and your weakened capabilities? It seems there's a great deal of truth to the saying, "You're only as old as you think you are," and our thoughts can be used to undo a lot of the so-called effects of aging. Unfortunately, numerous individuals will continue to hold on to old beliefs about the unavoidable "decline" of health in old age, and not pay attention to the benefits of a positive outlook.

Now that you are aware that your attitude can bring you a much better state of health, it's up to you to take advantage of this information and set your intention to think positive thoughts whenever you remember.


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