Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are You Building Your Life on the Concept of Separation?

. Saturday, May 31, 2008

by: Richard Blackstone

The creation of your life is analogous to building a house. Our spiritual growth tells us that we need a strong foundation for our life and the following spirituality information equates that premise to the building of a house as a way to see this with more clarity.

All right, let's get back on track because we are thinking up a new reality here. We are the builders of our lives, and just like the contractor who is constructing a new house, we need to start with a solid foundation. I want you to think about the house that you have been occupying up until this point in your life. The analogy we are looking for here is how you have structured your life so far. We are not going to make judgments; we are just going to make observations.

Our first observation is that most people who live unconsciously have structured a house that is built upon a foundation of the idea that we are separate from each other and separate from God. This is the foundation of thinking that most of the world has been told about since birth, conditioned to accept most of their lives, and that most of the people in the world believe. Remember, we are not making any judgments here, just observations.

Let us observe the construction process to see what happens when we build a structure on a foundational belief that we are separate from all people and things that we know of in this physical universe, including God.

The architect you use to build the structure of your life on a foundation of fear and separation is a God that is separate from you.

First of all, you are going to need some construction materials to begin the process of building the structure of your life. When you are building on a foundation of separateness, you see that all of your construction materials are separate from you. You don't seem to possess what it takes to build the structure of the life that you desire.

You need things that you don't have. Everything is external to you because you are separate from everything. So our first observation is that in order for you to build a structure, that you call your life, you need things. Because you need these things you must go outside yourself to get them. Why? Because you are separate from them. Okay, we can observe that and that is acceptable to us.

Now you must go outside of yourself to get the things you need in order to construct your life. We observe that some of the things you need are attainable and some of the things you need are not readily available to you.

Some of the things you need are hard to acquire because they are separated from you by distance or time or some other construction not within the scope of your talents or abilities at the time that you need them. This is not excluding the idea that you may be able to acquire them at another time or place, but there just seems to be some things that you can't get your hands on when you need them.
In other words, you fail to get what you need. Your failure to acquire that which you need is blamed on the idea that you are too far separated from that which you need, either by space, time, circumstance or any other variation of separation.

Well, this is a fine kettle of fish. You need something to build your life, but you can fail to fulfill your need. You don't have that which you need. Is there an insufficient supply of that which you need? It certainly looks that way. Well, let's go ahead and build your life with what you can acquire and maybe there will be a more sufficient supply of what you need later.

So now the structure of your life is incomplete. It requires something that you need but you failed to get because you are separate from the supply, which is insufficient for your needs. You still have a requirement for your need but no way, in the present moment, to fulfill it.

Is that fair? How are you supposed to build the structure of your life if you can't fulfill this requirement that is necessary to make your life complete? Is this God, who is your architect and from whom you are separate, somehow judging the structure of your life to be unworthy of giving you what you require? What kind of God, what kind of architect, is that?

Can you begin to see how this concept of being separate from God allows to easily fall into the trap of believing we need things in life that are unattainable? This is the natural consequence of believing in the concept that you are separate from God.

I have one question, “Does this serve you?”

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