Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Become the Miracle You Are Seeking

. Tuesday, May 27, 2008

by: Kiernan Antares

In numerological terms 2007 was a nine year―a year of completion. It may have begun with a gentle push to heal and clear away the old but as the months progressed the intensity of the energy has increased many times over. From September through to the end of December many of us were pushed to our limits, causing some to wonder if we could make it and straining to find a way to hold on, to persevere through the adversity that was perhaps even causing us to question our faith.

Dear friends, good news is upon us! 2008 is a one year, which is a time for new beginnings. This transition is especially auspicious because it is the last one we will experience during the years leading up to 2012, which is why the energy downloads from the celestial realms to assist us have been so intense in the second half of the year. By the end of December, give or take two weeks, we would have completed our purging―if we have held on to the essence of Love. If you have not been able to maintain your center during these past few months do not worry for the love of Spirit never abandons you and your journey will not be in vain, there’s still time to remember the greatness of who you are and why you are here.

In order to start fresh we have to be broken down so that we can begin to see things from a new perspective, receive our new gifts, and rejoice in becoming stronger than before. Also remember that each one of us has been encoded to awaken at different times and those who reclaim their divine power help to elevate the consciousness on Earth making it easier for others to follow.

For those of you who have been reading my articles and following my journey you have witnessed come of the changes I have gone through and in sharing my heart opening experiences I have been rewarded with stories from you about how my insights have touched your own hearts in some way and created the space for change in your lives. Each one fills me with gratitude and deepens my love for Spirit―it feeds me with the strength to continue sharing despite how difficult it may be sometimes. So now I’ll carry on with more…

With each passing month I’ve wondered how much more can there be to heal after years of digging and peeling away the layers? When will I ever get to the core and live totally in the presence and power of love?

Going into December I felt confident that I would integrate the energies of the final month in the year of completion with strength and courage to face whatever would appear. Well, my friends, it was intense but somehow I managed to ride the wave even when I thought I would sink. It was one of the most turbulent months of my life and rivaled those from my teenage years when I felt lost and alone.

My emotions changed from moment to moment during the month. One minute happy and content, the next desperate and confused. Getting through each day was difficult and challenged me to live in the NOW. Some days I felt so strange in my body and mind that I could barely function, meditation was nearly impossible, and my sanity―well, all I could do was grasp on to the hope that Spirit was with me every step of the way and I would get through it.

I was being triggered every which way I turned by the people in my life and especially by my life partner. It began to look to me that we were traveling on different roads and the distance between them was growing wider. I wanted to blame him for things not being perfect, for him not being the perfect partner. Fortunately I continued to pray and meditate looking for guidance rather than lashing out, which I so desperately wanted to do. This saved us, it saved me. I turned inward and sought my divinity through facing my inner longings buried from years and lives gone by.

Two days before Christmas I woke from an amazing dream that helped me to see that what I was seeking was a divine union with both the masculine and feminine aspects of myself and that it was time to release the critical part of me that instilled guilt and shame which overshadowed my desires. I didn’t want to wake from the dreams―I wanted to bask in the love of the Divine God and Goddess.

When I did finally surrender to waking consciousness I decided to begin a love affair―with myself. I felt the presence of my twin flame within me and I began to ‘listen’ to his words of love and adoration.

That very same morning I received an email from a wonderful Lightworker at 10:44 (adding up to nine in numerology… how timely and beautiful) which described an energy being directed towards Earth assisting us in our sacred marriage of our internal twin flames, our SELF. This is a necessary process to undergo in preparing ourselves to anchor a whole new level of self-mastery in 2008 and reaching totality in 2012. Its purpose is for us to become ONE within―the union of the God and Goddess. Taking responsibility for our own happiness and following our passions.

We are being asked to become the miracle we are asking for, to become everything to ourselves that we are seeking in a life partner. Ironically during this process our physical life partners are triggering us to recognize the need for our sacred marriage of the SELF. You know what I’m talking about… what is he or she doing in your life that is driving you crazy, irritating you to no end? Look at what you are dissatisfied with in your relationship and find ways to give it to yourself, follow your desires and the dynamics in your relationship with yourself and partner will transform as you see things from a new perspective.

My dream was an instrument of change followed by confirmation with that incredible email. That day things began to shift within. I treated myself to some beautiful flowers and was filled with love for the part of me that said, “I appreciate you. I love you for the work you are doing on yourself and sharing it with others.” While the act was a small one the rewards were divinely healing. The love between my partner and I has deepened because we are undertaking to honor a sacred union within and with each other―it’s a glorious magical gift.


In all my articles one of the key messages I’ve imparted is to follow your passion. Let’s take it further and join me in the playground. Contemplate the following questions:

1. What is the source of your life?
2. What motivates you everyday when you open your eyes?
3. Do you greet the morning with joy and passion?
4. Or do you drag yourself out of bed everyday because you have to get up and face your life?
5. Do you love what you do?
6. Do you love your life?

Your answers reveal to you whether your life is guided by love or fear and merely surviving.

If your life is not filled with love, joy, and passion then you need to make major changes. But take heart, these changes can begin with baby steps.

Often by changing our perception alone we can change our life. For example, when I began to review the amount of time I spent in December feeling miserable it astounded me because I had reached a place of living in peace and gratitude prior to then. Although my dream helped me to see how I needed to embrace my twin flame within I still had a few moments of uncertainty but Spirit guided me to snap out of it, quit whining, and get back in the game. I began to ask myself when I felt down, “What can I do to make me happy or fill me with peace?” I’d listen and then act.

Remember, how we perceive things is also important. Now, if I’m feeling strained because there’s too much noise or chaos in the house I’ll decide to take a long bath, listen to some great music, and putter in the bedroom because it gives me joy not because I need to escape. See the difference? It totally changes how I’m feeling.

It is suggested to aim for living 70% of our time in joy, inspiration, and being creatively passionate. In time that will automatically increase to 90% effortlessly. So begin asking yourself today, right now, “What can I do to make myself happy?” Then witness another, deeper shift begin to occur in your life.


Love, honor, and forgive thyself. Take a moment, breathe deeply, and bask in the glory of love of your eternal divinity.

New beginnings are on the horizon.

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