Friday, March 20, 2009

Avoiding Procrastination

. Friday, March 20, 2009

Self Improvement by: Deidre King

Are you like me - need to or even want to do something but can’t get started? Would you like a foolproof method for getting things done? Try this, it works for me!

Write yourself a list for the day. Don’t be put off by this idea, thinking that lists are too restricting, that you don’t want to be so disciplined. Lists are meant to be an aid, a guidance to allow you to get the most out of your time – to do the things you want to as well as those you must.

Back to the list: start by writing down all the things that you must, need or want to do. Mark the items that really must be done with an ‘A’, the items that need to be done bu t could be put off with a ‘B’ and the rest – things that you want to do but aren’t all that necessary – with a ‘C’.

The secret is to do a mix of things so that you end the day with a feeling of satisfaction, of achievement and pleasure.

The next stage is to plan your day. Plan to carry out ‘A’ items at your optimum working time and reward yourself by following with a small treat – a ‘C’ item, a coffee break or a piece of chocolate, etc. Intersperse ‘A’ items with ‘B’ items as much as time allows, at the same time ensuring that all your ‘A’ items can be completed.

A lot of time is wasted in dread – dread of actually getting down to the ‘A’ item that you might not want to do, haven’t the correct tools for or just think is too difficult. If this is the case, set a short time span for it, say 30 minutes, and just start. After 30mins stop. Don’t feel guilty if you then do something else. You will find that the fear has gone and that you can continue with the item at the next planned time. You might also find that the job was easier than you thought and a little more time will finish it. Go ahead!

If you get bored easily, this method of only allowing yourself a short time for any task and then returning to it later is very useful. However, you will get more satisfaction if items are completed and you can start the next without looking back.

The most important thing is to get started and then keep up the planning until the projects are completed.

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