Monday, August 24, 2009

My World View with Respect to the Law of Attraction

. Monday, August 24, 2009

by: Rick Walker

I am currently trying to reconcile how the world interacts with the mind, specifically, my mind (obviously). This is where I am currently trying to refine my world view.

Very general simplification: There is no question we interact with our world, however, that perception is biased by our own mental filters. For example, a woman perceives the world differently than a male, a middle aged man perceives the world differently than a teenaged girl and I perceive the world differently than my brother. We all have a BRAIN, a documented organ in our bodies. Using various techniques, it has been demonstrated that electrical activity occurs within the brain and, further still, various locations in the brain responsible for mental activity (conscious, sub-conscious and autonomic functions) have been identified. These represent the various component activities of the MIND.

Where I am getting stuck is with what represents a THOUGHT and how it (they) create my reality. To my knowledge, we can't isolate the specific electrical signal that represents a single thought. Is it a single electrical pulse, travelling sequentially through a series of neural synapses? Is it a diffuse cloud of electrical signals from a diverse variety of synapses representing the multiple nuances associated with that thought (i.e. the emotional, physical and/or spiritual state in which the thought occurs)?

The mental activity certainly consists of electrical impulses and, therefore, creates an associated electromagnetic field. All matter is energy (through Einstein's equation E=mc2) and, therefore, all energy is matter (current or pending).

So, how do our thoughts interact (create) our reality? If I visualize $1 million dollars as my goal, how does it manifest?

Note: For the $1 million to simply "appear" through my visualization (i.e. "Law of Attraction" as advocated in "The Secret") would require a huge amount of energy (E=mc2), hence the requirement for accompanied "Action" or "Energy").

Furthermore, (from Wikipedia):

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe always increases, or (equivalently) that perpetual motion machines are impossible.

The Law of Attraction (as advocated in "The Secret") violates, in my mind, the Second Law of Thermodynamics (which is a quantitatively derived, repeatedly proven physical law, not an empirically proposed, man-made "Natural Law") by proposing, essentially, "Something for Nothing".

The three part formula advocated in "The Secret" is:

1) Think,
2) Believe, and
3) Receive.

It makes no mention of the component of "Action". However, "Action" is required. Can a deer evade the wolf simply by visualizing itself safe and secure? Certainly to a point, within limitations, however, once the wolf gets the scent, flight and speed ("Action") is required.

What is the nature of our interaction with our environment? How do my thoughts "create" my reality? How do others thoughts influence / create my reality (given that I interact with other people and their thoughts - my wife, my kids, my family, my friends, even this group discussion)?

I am continually in the process of developing my world view, taking in ideas and concepts consistent with that world view and blocking / eliminating others that are inconsistent. More importantly, if my world view fails me, I need to revise, or even discard, it and replace it with another that works better, one that is more consistent with my beliefs. (i.e. Do you think the same way you did as a teenager? Are your values and priorities the same?)

My world view needs to be consistent with the observable world. My world view requires "Action" to accompany "Visualization". Others, apparently, don't.

My world view has to be internally consistent to work. Therefore, how does thought create my reality?

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