Monday, December 8, 2008

Developing Compliant Workers Into Dedicated Workers

. Monday, December 8, 2008

by: Stan the Mann

Managers are rushed. They have a lot more to do today with fewer resources. It is natural to take the quickest route to accomplish an immediate task. Far too often this takes the form of telling a subordinate what to do and how to do the desired task. Big mistake. You will not develop the skills of your people doing it this way. Direct orders and instructions are fine for the new and unskilled worker, but more seasoned workers are looking to develop their abilities. Being consistently treated as a novice who has little to contribute does not help them grow. When managed this way, they become dependent, bored, or unhappy with their work. Worse, the worker never learns how to become a creative contributing member of the team.

The manager may think she/he is saving time, after all they have done this before and know, or think they know, the best way to do the job.

Modern managers and executives have learned that taking the extra time to involve workers in the decision making process and getting their input into getting the job done is the way to develop better workers. Strategic collaboration with workers on how to do their job helps the worker understand his/her job better. They may come up with different ways to reach the same goals. Their procedure may be a) better than the old way or b) not necessarily a better way for others but better for the worker because of her/his way of thinking. Moreover, the sense of ownership in the task creates interest, excitement and sense of fulfillment.

Managers may feel that they do not have the time to engage in the strategic approach. In the short run, tell and show is quicker, but strategic collaboration develops the workers' ability to be more self reliant.

The benefits are that time is actually saved, morale is higher, and productivity increases. This "collaborative approach" is also called the "coach approach" and is a teachable skill.

Stress Busting Techniques

Stress will undermine your ability to perform well -- judgment becomes clouded, temper less controlled, and energy lessened. Fortunately, a few simple techniques can relieve stress and restore vigor.

One of my favorite stress relieving techniques is to lie down, get relaxed and imagine that your breath is coming in through your feet and gently massaging your feet, then your calves, then thighs--all the way up each part of your body, ending with massaging your scalp. You can actually feel tingling in parts of your body as you imagine this. If you feel any tense muscle, you are to deliberately tense it hard for a few seconds and then suddenly relax it. When you are through, your tension will be gone because emotional stress is directly tied to physical tension. You can't be tense and stressed while completely relaxed.

Wishing you a prosperous and balanced life,

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