Friday, November 28, 2008

Essential Spirituality Information: Your Mind, Body, Spirit Beingness

. Friday, November 28, 2008

by: Richard Blackstone

Your spiritual growth is always centered on the question of, “Who am I?” The essential spirituality information needed to answer that question is the triality of your beingness known as your body, your mind and your spirit. Each aspect of your being is no more important than the other but none can be ignored in your spiritual journey to understand yourself and the true nature of how the universe works.

You are a three-part being made up of mind, body and spirit. When you are born into this world, your beingness is evenly balanced and each of these aspects of your beingness contributes to the whole in equal partnership. You are a divine being radiating the love that is the core of your essence. Each part of the beingness equation is honored and required in order for you, as a baby, to function and be a whole person.

Every waking moment, hour, day, week, month and year that we exist, as this entity we know as ourselves, we are being sent external stimuli that forms our thought process and thereby our belief system. The stimulus that we receive begins to develop patterns that allow the infant child to make choices as to how the world is interpreted.

During our infancy, we freely exercise our physical and nonphysical senses. We are not restricted by convention or tradition. We are truly free to be whatever we choose to be in any given moment. We are guided by all aspects of our beingness, as the spirit, the mind and the body work in harmony to develop and grow.

Parents allow this wonderful natural symmetry to manifest itself because they understand that in the early infant stage of life, they cannot control how the baby chooses to be in any given situation. At this stage of our lives our innate beingness is in charge and the mind, body, spirit being that we are is working in harmony.

The baby accepts the input and influence generated by the mind. The mind is functioning as a processing center to receive external stimuli, interpreting it, storing it and creating its own “data command center.” The baby doesn't need any prompting from anybody to begin these typical and natural functions that establish the base for information the baby will need throughout its life.

The baby accepts the input and influence generated by the body. The body is functioning as a perfectly tooled machine that takes in energy, builds new cells and discharges spent energy. When baby wants to poop, baby poops. The baby doesn't need any prompting from anybody to begin these typical and natural functions that establish the base for bodily functions the baby will use throughout its life.

The baby accepts the input and influence generated by the spirit. The spirit is functioning as a perfect reference source of the love that is the essence of our being. As we look into the baby's eyes we see the wisdom of the ages and know that we have a spiritual connection to all that is. The baby doesn't need any prompting from anybody to be connected to the spiritual nature of our beingness. It just is “what is.”

Eventually the infant reaches a point in its own maturation where it is able to see the connection between the external stimuli that it is receiving and the decisions that it makes concerning how it responds to that stimuli. The baby learns to eat, poop, talk, walk and grow into the ability to make choices about all things.

We are all made up as three-part beings. That is who we are. Always have been and always will be for eternity. That is who we really are.

We are all spirit children of God, Love and Life.

At our essence, we are a three-part being rather than a two-part being. It is only when we wake up to the fact that besides our mind and body, we are also this spirit that is integral to all that we are and everything we do, that we can begin to understand the true nature of how things really work.

This is the first stage of answering the question, “Who Am I?” You must first become aware of your triad beingness which is body, mind and spirit. Never forget the spirit as an integral part of your beingness.

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