Friday, November 28, 2008

Relativity as a Spiritual Concept

. Friday, November 28, 2008

by: Richard Blackstone

God as a spiritual absolute causes us to examine spirituality information in a manner that connects the one source known as God with the dualistic nature of the universe. Our spiritual growth depends on making this connection. How we interpret the concept of God as an absolute and God as the all of everything is the esoteric concept we are going to examine. We will begin our spiritual quest with the idea that prior to the creation of the universe God exists in what we call the realm of the absolute.

So here was God's quandary: God, who knows all things and is all things, absolutely knew that she was this beautiful, majestic, noble, glorious beingness but she could only know herself in all her magnificence conceptually. God yearned for the experience of being beautiful, majestic, noble and glorious. God aspired for a true knowingness of her magnificence that would require her to view her complete grandeur from all perspectives.

God knew that this could not be achieved in the absolute because the very ideas of beauty, majesty, nobility and gloriousness are relative to what beauty, majesty, nobility, and gloriousness are not.

You see, in the realm of the absolute everything that is known is absolute. Beauty is beauty. Majestic is majestic. Noble is noble. Glorious is glorious. Only by matching a concept to something the concept is not you can see the concept from a different perspective.

You need to view the concept relative to what the concept is not. You need relativity. It is only through relativity that you can match a concept to something the concept is not and thereby experience it.

In order to experience hot you must see hot in its relationship to what hot is not. Something we call cold. You have hot on one end of the spectrum and you have cold on the other end. Now you can experience hot and cold and all the varying degrees of the spectrum between hot and cold.

This is what relativity is all about. This is what physical life is all about. In order to experience something, you must see it in relation to what it is not. You could say that in defining yourself you must see yourself in relation to everything that you claim you are not. If you are good then you claim that you are not bad. If you are tall then you claim that you are not short. If you are honest then you claim that you are not a liar. It is by that which you are not that you, yourself, are defined.

So God, while residing in the realm of the absolute, knows all things, conceptually and God is all things, conceptually. God knew that in order for God to experience and be all that God knows and is, God would have to create a space that would allow all God knows and is to be in relationship to the opposite of all that is known and is.

God would have to create a place where concepts were allowed to exist in relationship to what the concept is not. God would have to create a place where God was allowed to exist in relationship to what God is not. God would have to create a relationship world, a universe of relativity in order for God to know experientially all that she knows of conceptually.

Wow! What a great project. What a magnificent undertaking. What a supreme answer to God's desire to experience all that she knows conceptually.

So where is God going to build this magnificent creation and how is it going to function? That is an excellent question and one that requires a whole article itself in order to answer.

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