Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Spirituality Information: Choice and the Big Picture

. Wednesday, November 26, 2008

by: Richard Blackstone

If your intention is for spiritual growth then this spirituality information is invaluable in that pursuit. God created you with the ability to be, do and have whatever you desire. The concept of who you choose to “be” is critical in whatever you end up doing and having.

This article is designed to allow you to see these concepts from a larger, clearer perspective. Once you see the bigger picture of life you will be able to see your own life with more clarity and awareness.

Unless you don't. You see, it is all a matter of choice. We, as individuals and as societies, have the free will to make any choice that we desire concerning how we live our lives and what we choose to believe.

That will never change because that is part of our beingness. We have free will to be as we desire. There is no agenda set out for us except what we choose as an agenda. We are free to be whoever we choose to be. The two key words in this last sentence are be and choose. Let's read that again. We are free to be whoever we choose to be.

Life is not what we choose to do; it is who we choose to be. Beingness is what we seek. Remember, you are a human being, not a human doing. This distinction is critical to your awakening because you will come to understand, as we start to see things from a larger, clearer perspective, that your beingness creates your doingness.

If this is your first big Ah-haaaaa go ahead and say it out loud: “Ah-haaaaa, my beingness creates my doingness.” Well, what does that mean?

It means that most of us, as individuals and as societies, have been focusing on the wrong thing for most of our lives. We have spent a lot of time and effort concentrating on what we are doing, but rarely thinking about who we are being.

This has been the cause of so much of the trouble, turmoil and drama that pervades our lives. We constantly react to the people, events and experiences in our lives in an attempt to do something about them.

When you wake up and live in awareness, you begin to understand that it is more important to concentrate on who you are being when you confront life's situations. You understand the concept that your beingness creates your doingness. Not the other way around. You don't do happy. First you be happy and then you do happy things. If you want to experience that aspect of yourself that you call compassionate, then go to that state of being and you will begin to do compassionate things.

What we see here is that everything we do comes from who we are being. If you want to see what kind of person you are being look to what you have been doing.

If you have been cheating on your golf score, you are being a cheater. If you have been cheating on your spouse, you are being an adulterer. If you have been lying to your friends in order to make yourself look better, you are being a liar. If you talk about your friends behind their backs, you are being a gossip. If you share your bounty with the panhandler on the street, you are being compassionate.

Everything we do comes from who we are being. We can change our beingness in an instant. That is why it is hard to be a sleepwalker and not be able to understand why you keep doing things that don't serve you. You continually change who you are being. You may think you do this without thinking. You may think you don't have any choice in the matter. But that is wrong thinking. You have choice in everything you do because you have choice as to who you choose to be in any given moment.

Reflect on the last twenty four hours of your life and notice what you have done and then take it back one step further and determine the state of being you were in when you did the things you did. Monitor this for a couple days and become consciously aware of “who you are being” and “what you are doing.”

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